June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

Good for you fenrosie, I was afraid that mine would be worth something and I'd be picked to be filmed, actually glad they aren't worth that much. It was fun to go and see all of the different things people brought. So it was worth the 6 hour drive (one way).
Fenrosie/Majack one of you ladies got the lemoyne stars template and I can't for the life of me remember who it was, but I was wondering if you really like it? I am thinking about getting it and doing those for the August swap in my summer colors.

Majack I sold Charlie !!!! yep I still can't believe I did it, but he is now the king of his own flock so that makes me happy he is doing his Rooster thing. For those that are wondering whats up, Charlie was picked on by my other roosters and ostracized to the front yard, he was Ferdinand of the chicken world and a really nice bird friendly and anytime he saw me would come running, he loved strawberries and blue berries oh and my herb garden dill the best and yep I still can't believe I did it. Wow my front yard is kinda of empty without him, but I know he is happy and that is what matters most.
Kat, the Hunter's Star ends up looking like a LaMoyne star. You could just use that pattern if you want.

I've been working away on my blocks. I'm thinking I won't post a picture of the finished product on here but leave it as a surprise... ?

Does anybody have any idea when the fall chicken blocks will be getting sent out?
Kat, the Hunter's Star ends up looking like a LaMoyne star. You could just use that pattern if you want.

I've been working away on my blocks. I'm thinking I won't post a picture of the finished product on here but leave it as a surprise... ?

Does anybody have any idea when the fall chicken blocks will be getting sent out?
Thanks Lacy, that is good to know. I think the surprise will be great, just either post a pic after I send them out or put your name on them so everyone will know who's who.
I'm hoping the blocks got mailed end of last week but I'll ask Marty.
Just let me know when you mail your blocks so I can keep an eye on the mail box.
It's ok, I'm waiting on several sets and I hate that when I keep making cutting mistakes, I have so many squares someday I will figure out what to do with them since they are not enough to really finish anything.
CarolineNH I just saw the pic of that quilt you made how pretty now I know what to do with my extra squares, now just to remember the pattern and how to put it together.
Thank you! Right now I'm finishing up a couple of Block of the Month quilts, and trying not to start too many new things! I should put a "Finished Quilts" tab on the sidebar of my blog. I haven't tracked every quilt I've ever finished, but I have some good pictures from the last 18 or 20.
Katsdar, It's Fenrosie that has the template and she loves it. Hurrah for Charlie, he's waited long enough. Let's hope he passes on his lovely nature to all the offspring he is about to create!

Marty has come back into her town, her sister's balcony gave way and her sister fell breaking her arm and shoulder, so Marty was helping her in Missouri last week. The blocks hopefully will be mailed tomorrow and as soon as I get any tracking numbers I will pass them along.
Thanks for your patience course we all know life happens unfortunately.

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