June 2021 Hatch - A - Long

Number two just got out, number three is kicking out, and number four, that you can kind of see, should be out in a minute. 2020D78D-E045-45F2-ABAD-6C96B9EF027F.jpeg
I can keep more in less space, I get to use cool scissors to open their eggs, and while I don’t really like pickled eggs, I love using quail eggs to make jalapeño eggs. They are great in salad or as a snack whether I pickle them or not.
I'm back for another hatchalong! This time I am doing the maiden voyage with the new Janoel 18s. I have set 10 partridge wyandotte (the oldest is 12 days so I am pushing it but) 4 bantam silver penciled wyandottes and 2 what I am assuming on shell alone, silver laced wyandottes. Either that or they are from the plymouth rock pullet but I am confident they are wyandotte eggs. There is still room for 4 more eggs so I am impressed. Set on 5th so should hatch 26th

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