Hi everyone, hope you don't mind me joining.... we've had brown hens for years and a few leghorns. We were giving a pekin rooster so decided to try hatching some chicks (pekin with leghour) with an incubator. So far everythings looking good and fingers crossed we will have some baby chicks over the next few days *super excited*
Candled mine for the first time last night. They were only 3 days in but my best friend was over so I wanted to do it with her. Only 1 confirmed embryo of 36 eggs. I saw a little veining and a tiny little heartbeat. Most of them have darker yolks now, a few look unfertile but I'm going to wait until I candle again next weekend to chuck any.

I think I've got my mom on board now. Lol. As a matter of fact she added an egg yesterday from her favorite chicken haha! Ive got her with the "Do you know how many eggs we would get from 35 chickens plus the ones we already have?! We could sell the eggs and get quite the profit." Lol! Thanks for the prayers!
Hi everyone, hope you don't mind me joining.... we've had brown hens for years and a few leghorns. We were giving a pekin rooster so decided to try hatching some chicks (pekin with leghour) with an incubator. So far everythings looking good and fingers crossed we will have some baby chicks over the next few days *super excited*

Candled mine for the first time last night. They were only 3 days in but my best friend was over so I wanted to do it with her. Only 1 confirmed embryo of 36 eggs. I saw a little veining and a tiny little heartbeat. Most of them have darker yolks now, a few look unfertile but I'm going to wait until I candle again next weekend to chuck any.

I think I've got my mom on board now. Lol. As a matter of fact she added an egg yesterday from her favorite chicken haha! Ive got her with the "Do you know how many eggs we would get from 35 chickens plus the ones we already have?! We could sell the eggs and get quite the profit." Lol! Thanks for the prayers!
Don't worry, you should get more than one; it's just a little early to see yet. Glad to hear your mom's on board.
That's what I used to do with my eggs (minus the making a profit part
) when I had more chickens. Hopefully I'll be able to sell again soon with these chicks that are supposed to hatch.

All of my eggs look dead (except the two I can't see into) but I'm hopeful.
I stuck a few eggs in a make-shift incubator today. My aunt lost most of her flock to something small and vicious. We'll see if any of the last eggs we found today develop.
I'm going to help catch the predators as well. I have an egg_eater that hasn't been processed yet. Two words: live bait.
Candled tonight. Despite fluctuating temps and humidity, only one is getting pulled. I dont think it was fertile. The others seem to be progressing well. Day 17. Fingers crossed.
Ohhh we have 2 out of 3 external piping, some rocking coming from all 3
can't help but check them every 10 minutes, feeling a little like a stalker

Our 2 fluffy chicks have arrived
first did all the work, second ready struggled and needed help but thankfully all good
hopefully another one will hatch tomorrow
Just candles for the second time. All but just a few seem unfertile of my 36 eggs! I see veins and a little eye in some


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