June Hatch a Long

Back in again.
My 57 guineas are due on the 10th. A broody BA due around the 3rd and if I set my 34 shipped saturday that will be the 8th. The shipped eggs are 17 BR and 17 WLH. Packing should of been better and he actually shipped pecked eggs. Go figure.

Anyway I have my DIY bator full of guinea/my stock. 1 of my LG's will hold the shipped for now and that will leave 1 LG open. For what.... I'll find something LOL. Prolly those guinea eggs I saw a pair making a nest today. Will wait a few days see if some other hens jump in on the stash before I collect some.

I still gotta get some construction done. Brooder space is gonna be close if I don't since I also have a batch due the 30th this month. And my newest hatched mothers day. So they still downstairs too.

Might be culling a few adults though so might have room for babies w/o rushing things. Will try keep on top of thread better than last month. Got hectic but schools out so my older kids get to help with the younger and dad gets more free dayligt hours to work.
Back at it again,I got the itch so I called my cousin and asked if she would like me to try again for her.So she collected 31 eggs from her girls.3 are banties and the rest are from her heritage birds.I had some of hers in last months' hatch but they didn't take,so keeping my fingers crossed!
Hi yall,

I'm setting 6 Gold Brahma and 6 Gold Silkie eggs today. I got these shipped so I hope things go right and I get them to hatch.

I'm in!

June hatches so far;

11 Wheaten/Blue Amerucana's - 6/4
12 Salmon Faverolles - 6/6
18 BBS Amerucanas - unsure eggs just shipped... Earliest 6/8

Then that's it until I throw some of my own in there!

Broke down and bought 1 dz gold/silver sex linked hatching eggs today. So tomorrow I'll be filling a LG with BR, WLH, SL-ed and a few of my (Black SL and BA) due the 9th. So I think for now, and possibly awhile I'll be done with hatches. Except duck maybe. I say this but will prolly break down and set a load. Ummm guineas might be saved for hatching too. They are too valueable around her not to save. For me anyway.
The wife is full on board with what we (She calls em mine, I call em hers) have. And actually asked for a flock to look like Light sussexes. So I have a few year prodject with my birds trying get that coloring. I was like "OMG you want birds?" lol she stated that looked LIKE that roo. From our flock. SO its gonna be a few generations breeding prodject. Which I can go gung-ho on and NOT get into trouble.
Was her fault we found the guy anyway was searching CL for a couple roos we want and found him in an older post.
Anyway will keep up on post til I get to chicken crazy and need a break. CYA all later
Broke down and bought 1 dz gold/silver sex linked hatching eggs today. So tomorrow I'll be filling a LG with BR, WLH, SL-ed and a few of my (Black SL and BA) due the 9th. So I think for now, and possibly awhile I'll be done with hatches. Except duck maybe. I say this but will prolly break down and set a load. Ummm guineas might be saved for hatching too. They are too valueable around her not to save. For me anyway.
The wife is full on board with what we (She calls em mine, I call em hers) have. And actually asked for a flock to look like Light sussexes. So I have a few year prodject with my birds trying get that coloring. I was like "OMG you want birds?" lol she stated that looked LIKE that roo. From our flock. SO its gonna be a few generations breeding prodject. Which I can go gung-ho on and NOT get into trouble.
Was her fault we found the guy anyway was searching CL for a couple roos we want and found him in an older post.
Anyway will keep up on post til I get to chicken crazy and need a break. CYA all later

Wohooooo a breeding project! I was hoping you would join us for June!
So now I have a broody silkie... She has 6 eggs now. Wondering if she'll take any o the ones that the other girls lay today. How long can I allow her to take more eggs? Until she says she's full?
I'm very new to this and still don't fully understand what I'm seeing when I candle my eggs but I think I have a double yolker, or it got scrambled some how.

:-( getting close to veins, guess we will see who is really fertile then.

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