Just bought new incubator!!! HHD 48 egg incubator


gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
Hi, just bought a new, (Only a little old lady from Pasadena used it once, and it is new to me) egg incubator it is an HHD 48 egg incubator. I am going to read the user manual but I am asking (yes I am asking:gig)if anyone has used this one before.

I am warming it up for 24 hrs. with distilled water in 2 of the troughs. If it is running how I would like then I will put in these eggs. That I am getting to room temp currently to go in tomorrow.

Top to the left 8 eggs unwashed right frumunda a hen. (Barnyard mix) but the white egg mom were spitzenhauben, the blue EE, from one farm, and the tan are pure RIR from a diff farm. The eggs to the right and below were bought at a health food store fridge. Fresh though. the ones to the right fridge eggs were from the same farm as the fresh eggs to the left (blue eggs) The eggs below were from a farm about one hr. drive from my house, so close. draw back to the bottom eggs are they don't have alot of roosters. But we will see.

Below read well before commenting........

This is actually the tale of 2 incubators.

Also they gave me one more incubator for free (THIS ONE I AM MENTIONING IS COMPLETELY SEPARATE NOW) and I have not even plugged it in or anything, they said the fan is the only thing not working. I will not use it currently because I have the new working one, and not enough eggs for both, but my question is does it need the fan on this model, or can they hatch with out the fan, like still air?below is the second incubator I am mentioning. I may have a diff fan I can put in it too.
Thanks ahead of time for positive input!:clap
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It has only been running for a few hrs. I know I should run fro 24hrs. It says I have temp set at 38C but the digital reading says 35.2 but a thermometer on bottom of incubator reads 105f I know they are supposed to measure at the top of eggs.
I put a thermometer inside the incubator, it was reading way hot but the digital was saying 38c. I think I cooked some eggs. I am going to move the incubator to a cooler room and re test it and test again, till it is right. At this point my home made ones worked better.
I'm pretty sure these are notorious for overheating and cooking eggs. I haven't used them myself but whenever they pop up in reviews and such it's never good. I wish you the best! Yours might be the exception.

Unless you find a way to calibrate the thermometer it came with I'd go off the added thermometer reading. Can you move the sensor into the hot zone? See what it reads there. That might be another quick fix.
In the incubator I have I like to tape the sensor onto an egg. Yours might not be long enough. But it's worth a shot.
I also double check for hot spots using an additional 2 thermometer. If I find one (usually it's in the first few days) I tape the sensor over there to avoid over heating. It a bit fiddly but I've got my system down.

Seems like you could tape your to some cardboard and "float it" directly on top of the eggs. Hopefully these are just growing pains. And things will dial in over the next few days.


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