Just cleaning out the coop requires a love hate relationship! After you do a mistake!

Not to stomp on this thread but...I don’t have ducks but I give treats to a friends while she’s at work. How do they do with cracked corn?
It would depend on if a drake was named James or not in the flock. Why? because Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care..... lol sorry have no clue but I would have to assume cracked corn is as good as regular dried....
What is better canned peas or frozen corn assuming they already have plenty greens in thier diet:hmm i l emojis
I think peas are more of a favorite for ducks, but I don't know. Peas carry niacin and ducks NEED niacin. That is one reason they like peas so much...cuz they know they need the niacin in them.

Not to stomp on this thread but...I don’t have ducks but I give treats to a friends while she’s at work. How do they do with cracked corn?
Yes ducks can have cracked corn..if that is what you are asking...

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