Just curious who else is living super frugal

Since I make my own wine, I usually have several 50 lb bags in the garage. I buy them in plastic bags, so if they aren't opened, they hold up fine. Even in the damp WA state, opened bags don't seem to be affected by mold, although they do clump a bit! Sugar is a natural preservative, so buying in bulk is not usually a problem.
Gotta say again, I love this thread and the people in it!
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Since I make my own wine, I usually have several 50 lb bags in the garage. I buy them in plastic bags, so if they aren't opened, they hold up fine. Even in the damp WA state, opened bags don't seem to be affected by mold, although they do clump a bit! Sugar is a natural preservative, so buying in bulk is not usually a problem.

Thanks! Our basement is always dry (not even damp feeling), thankfully. I'd love to buy sugar in a larger quantity, but wondered how it holds up in a basement. I appreciate the info!
Chickee) I wouldn't see an issue, having about the same climate as you do. If you are worried about any dampness, you could always throw one of those moisture absorber packs in there. I know thats what a lot of people do when storing large quantities of rice, as it tends to wick up moisture.

I have yet to see sugar in 50lb bags, but this is also the first time I bought sugar in 25lb bags!! I was sooo excitied

We are putting our home on the market in March, and when we buy or new place my DH is going to set up a downstairs "overflow" pantry for me. Which is good cause the canned goods are kinda nuts this year, and will only get more and more!!
Thanks! Just wondered if anybody else stores their sugar in the basement. My hubby is self employed and sells/distributes Voortman Cookies. So he has these wonderful sturdy wooden displays that make excellent shelving for all my canned goods, pasta, rice, etc.
Its a lifestyle choice...
and understand...I used to live in the city...and loved loved loved to shop...
it is amazing how much my life has changed...
we move a 1hr 45 min drive away...was ok...because we were going to be back weekends for me to shop...
that was now almost 2 years ago..We cut back...majorly...to pay off our place...
now I completely embrase frugality...
as a lifestyle choice...
I now can...
make my own bread pasta..gather my own eggs...would love to have a goat..but can't claim that yet...
I buy now sensibly...thinking of the year...and not just this week..
am lucky...our local grocery, has a lot of farmed goods...and plenty of marked downs...don't worry about that date..
is fine...
those weekends...don't happen nearly as often...and when we do go back for work...I definately don't miss the trafic...
I buy for price...and stock up when the price is right...
...but I cook large amounts vacume package...and if you stick in a mylar bag with an oxygen absorger...i know it sounds bad but it will probably be good for 20 years...
so what ever I do I do lots...even though it is only my hubby
I try to make everything homemade as much as possible. Making huge soups with whatever vegetables you have on hand goes a long way and is very filling.

There is also a good site to look into called freecycle. It is a yahoo group that has individual group sites for every city in the united states and you can go on there and see what people have for free that you can pick up. There is all manner of things. You can also put up on the board what you are in need of and if anyone has it they will email you and you can come and pick it up. It is very useful.
Well Friends, I am flunking frugal so far.....But I haven't given up. When I told my husband I wanted to be frugal, the said, "I don't think I DO frugal."

So I'm not getting alot of support. But I'm going to keep trying.....Keep looking at this thread for tips.......


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