Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

Lola, Rosie, Dyna, Lolli, Honey & Blue. The girl we got them from named them and the kids love calling them by name. I usually just say, come on girls and they're right there.
That's cool! Our only buff is named Goldey, too. Sweet!

I name most of my birds, but there are a few I can't tell apart from each other, so I don't name them.

Like what??
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I used to name all my chickens.....and now, I only name a few that stand out. The rest are "chicky-chicks". I think this season, I named three. Popeye and Olive (my olive egger pair), and then there's Chippie, a hen who has a little chip out of her comb. That's it.
We have De De, Deanie, Cutie pie and Jane all RR. Toastitos,Freetos, Barred Rocks. Peeps the Leghorn. Lacey and Dorey, Goldlace Cochins. Then there is Nacho (accident) CornishX roo. Oh, how could our Sussex girls Queso and Bugga.
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I name them, but I only have five and don't plan to eat them. they are:
BO (Buffy)
Blue laced Wyandotte (Emma)
Plymouth Rock (Roxy)
White Brahma (Honey)
Amerucana or EE? Who knows... (Cookie)

We name ours. It makes telling a story so much easier. I usually wait until something happens that makes the name obvious. So when we have chicks we just call them all "nugget" and only later when they really show out do they get a cool name like:

Roadrunner, Matilda, Little Bob (offspring of Big Bob), Phyllis (polish - imagine that), Roshonda, Cousin Wade, RoseBud, Ransome, Fishey ... they just seem to grow a name with their personalities.

DH wants me to name them Dumplin, Dressin, A la King, Enchillada, and such. He's so silly.
We've only used our 35 little ladies for eggs so far, but we are about to get up the courage to eat one who isn't producing.

Mine are all named. Someone at work asked me "How do you know all those chickens by name?" .. I said "Well, I have 25 chickens .. there are 25 people who work in this department .. do you recognize them and can you call them by name?"

They shut up. The only two chickens I can't recognize right away are Wheat and Hops .. they are partridge rocks.

Otherwise, I have:

Shiner Bock
Amber Bock
Ziegen Bock
Shiner Blonde


Chili Powder (also called "Stew Pot" when she tries me)

Salt - RIP

Half Pint
Plain Jane

Cream (RIP)

(And two yet unnamed babies)
I name everything except the chicks I know i have to sell but sometimes they earn themselves names too
some examples are Zoidberg, Morbo, Alby, The Unnaturally Fat One...

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