Just found my new favorite use for duck eggs! (recipe added)

Nice recipes, I will have to try them! I'll add my own favorite recipe for duck eggs to balance out the sweetbreads a little:

Oyako Donburi (chicken and egg over rice)

10.5 oz. boneless, skinned chicken (or duck if you really want to fatten things up)
4 duck eggs
1 small onion, or equivalent in green onions
vegetables and/or mushrooms to taste - we like using whatever's growing (kale, chard, collard greens, beet tops, spinach, seasonal wild mushrooms)
5 cups cooked rice

simmering sauce
1 1/4 cups water
4 Tbsp soy sauce
3 Tbsp mirin (easy to find, I get mine in Safeway)
1 Tbsp sugar

1. Begin preparing rice.
2. Cut chicken and vegetables to whatever size you prefer.
3. In a 10-inch skillet, mix all simmering sauce ingredients and bring to a boil. Add chicken, onion, vegetables, and/or mushrooms to the sauce and cook over moderate heat for two to three minutes or until chicken is done and onion is tender.
4. Beat eggs in a small bowl, pour over chicken and cover with a lid. Cook on low until the eggs set.
5. Serve over rice; be sure to pour a bit of the simmering sauce over the whole thing!

This is really easy to make and limited only by your imagination in terms of what you can toss in there to change the taste a bit.
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Anything I name ... I cannot eat.
Recipe sounds good.will try it with organic chicken. Quiches are also a great use for eggs. Just eggs , cheese, milk and whatever veggie or meat you want to put with it. I am so glad my "girls" are still laying altho' the 8 are down to 2 eggs a day. The 2 best layers( Bwaak & Two-Bob) were killed by a raccoon last week. It Traumatized the 6 Sumatra's.( all called George) Wide load and Charlie are the only ones left of my original 15. Am hoping the Muskovies will share some of their eggs
:) I refuse to buy store eggs and after the last fiasco.. never will. Pretty morning guess I will clean my house.. then the chicken & duck houses. Have a marvelous DAY!!
Haha, that's how I think. If it gets named, which they always do, they're pets...not food. And the eggs I consider gifts from my pets. lol

I tell people all the time that the ducks are the best pets I have. They don't talk back, they don't drive me crazy (except for my mean drake) and they actually GIVE BACK to the household. Why eat them? Now I might eat the dog if he keeps his crap up.... lol

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