Just got stung.......twice!

I think I'm going to live.
The bee sting is practically gone but the wasp is still very red and hot feeling around it.
I was riding a horse one day checking fence on a ranch we used to work on. I was off of Joe leading him through a saddle gap next to a cattle guard, when the ground broke out from under one of his legs, into a bumble bee nest. The bees swarmed Joe and I both. I had waist long hair in a pony tail and every time I swatted to get bees off me it would tangle the bees in my hair. I turned Joe loose and then ran my chunky, out of breath, smoking self UPHILL about 100 or so yards to the barn. when I stopped running they all left. So for all future references if you are attacked by bumble bees STAND STILL.....all instinct says run. I had well over 50 stings that is where we stopped counting. I looked like the elephant man. Took forever to get them out of my hair. A ton of Benedryl later I recovered.

Sooo...I can sympathize with you, so sorry that happened.
Ouch... I can imagine how it must have hurt! I was standing on a friend's back porch one day and I got stung by a bee just under the eye (left eye, inside corner by the nose, maybe 1/4 inch away from the actual eye). I was about 6. Even now I can still see that big blob flying right up to my face.... My eye swelled up something awful, and stayed that way for several days. My cousin, sweet boy that he was (and is), told me I looked like I was Chinese in half my face...
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I've been battling the horseflies. I had to do some outside stuff that I wasnt able to be swatting so I ended up covering myself up, and yes, I wore a lingerie bag over my head. I cant believe I'm showing you this but...

I was stung yesterday on the inside of my wrist on the vein...I went screeching inside and panicked everyone. While they were looking up on the computer what to do, I grabbed baking soda and wet it and shoved a thick paste of it onto the sting and it felt 100% better in about 30 seconds...apparently its one of the ONLY things in this world I'm NOT allergic too. I feel your pain! I also see a lot more wasp nests around the house than ever-I check the chicken coop nightly for things like that.

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