just got two ducks... now what?>


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
i just got two ducks given to me and i already have chickens.. will they live together ok? i have heard they are pretty messy. im also thinking of making them a new pen. how high does fencing need to be?? are they very succeptable to preditors as chickens? the are a bit bigger than my ladies. do you think i have to lock them in at night or just make a t-p shelter?>

all kinds of questions, any info will be fine. my DH doesent know i have them yet...
What kind of ducks are they? Are they males, females, one of each? Yes, they are messy and just as susceptible to predators as chickens. I let mine free range during the day and lock them in a secure house at night. If they are 2 females, you might be able to keep them with your chickens but I wouldn't keep a male with chickens. He might try to mate the hens and that can prove fatal for the hens.
i believe the woman said they are muscovy. they have claws on their feet. they are two females
they are beautiful, and muscovy are wonderful ducks, very laid back and sweet, course i am very partial i have 10. they should be fine with the chickens as long as you don't keep food and water in the coop, ducks by nature are very messy and will have water and food all over the bedding.
they do fly though so if you want to keep them home you should clip one wing on each girl.
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im not sure if this is a stupid question but if i dont keep the food and water in the coop where do i put it?? it rains often here and i think i would have smoosh instead of food if it was left outdoors. also, other critters may get into it. i just clipped one wing on each and have let them go into the run and they look pretty confused. maby they will follow the ladies inside when they go in for bed, or else i will shackle them in. do they always need a pool to swim in??? was i correct about the moscovy breed? is that what they seem like?
also, should i expect eggs from them?? do they lay in the winter?? i think they are molting now.
I had a muscovy female and she was a pretty good layer. The friend who took her also said she is quite broody. I lock my ducks in at night too. I found the heated large dog dishes are great for the winter time (if you live in a colder climate and can't provide a pond) as the ducks can still get their heads under water.

Muscovies do need a pond when possible. I went to a local farm store and bought a large black plastic rectangular mortar pan that works great for a pond and it was flexible enough to withstand daily dumping without getting a hole. Just make sure your ducks can get in and out of the pond easily as they are the opposite of chickens -- weak legs and strong necks. They can get leg injuries if they are struggling to get in and out of the pond.
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I built a covered feed shed for mine to use. I take the food in for the night, they are old enough they don't need to eat at night, i don't leave food out for my chickens either. I just dump my water in the evenings and give fresh each morning. It's very simple to make a covered feed shed, I used scrap wood and attached it to the side of their coop. it's open on 3 sides and keeps the food dry I also don't put their water right next to their feed either it stays drier that way.
did she say what age they are? they look pretty young just looking at their carnicles, they might not lay till next spring.
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that is a good idea. i will try making the feed shed. she said they were young. im not sure what a carnicle is. these are my first ducks and im on day one, like hour 7
. they managed to mosey their way in the house with the other ladies, in happy no fights have broked out or anything!! every new chicken i have ever added has been so much fighting and these two are mellow yellow. when do ducks start laying??
My muscovies started laying around 5 to 6 months old. I have a drake that will be 4 months this coming Sunday and I'd say they are probably around 3to4 months old just looking at them, my next youngest are 9 weeks. and yours are larger than they are. carnicles are the red fleshy skin that is above their bills and around their eyes. heres a good link that will answer alot of your questions. http://liveducks.com/care.html
this link will show you what drakes and females look like and you'll see the carnickles on the male and female plus the colors they come in. enjoy.
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