Just had a stoat attack!


Regardless of the species of stoat / weasel, I think you can resolve this pretty easily if critter comes up in the open. A small caliber rifle or even a BB gun can be very effective. Even better would be a dog that a neighbor might allow you to borrow. My dogs are not bred for it but when a weasel or mink visits the dogs catch them with ease and gusto. Obviously you may have to confine birds if dog also a threat but dog can be managed. An adult cat would also deal with weasel / stoat very well.
Are the birds being attacked after dark? If yes, then move them to another location. I would rather put birds in burlap sacks every night than have them attacked with such regularity.
I have a dog but dont want to risk him being hurt. On friday it attacked at 4pm on sunday it was 3.30pm and today it came at 9.30am so really i cant win :/
We went to see our friend who is a gamekeeper and i described it to him (size, colours etc.) and he said its defintley a stoat, and if i see it up there i have to walk away out of sight and ring him and he will come up and shoot it, even if its attacking a hen i have to leave it (dont know how i will do that), also we are going to see another gamekeeper for traps, well out friend might but one up but so far he just wants to shoot it.
After being attacked for the second time last night, my poor hens pretty beat up, shes ate and drak today, even did a little but of free ranging in the woods, which i didnt like because the stoat through there:

before that she looked like this: (right this is hard to explain which is her, there are 4 ginger hens the ones that are on the end have been killed so it leaves the two middle ones, she is the left one out of the two middle ones)
I don't know what the laws are like by you regarding traps and guns and wildlife, but I think you should get a gun/trap and sort this creature out yourself. If you can. This is nonsense, waiting around and having to babysit your hens. You are stressed, the chickens are stressed... I'm not pro guns or killing creatures, I just told another member here we lost 32 chickens to predator attacks before we declared war on them. But there's no pint waiting for that thing to come back, and it will. It knows there is food and it's an easy target. You are not going to sleep easy until this is sorted, so I hope you get it sorted soon. Good luck!
I have a dog but dont want to risk him being hurt. On friday it attacked at 4pm on sunday it was 3.30pm and today it came at 9.30am so really i cant win :/

I suggest letting your dog have a go at it. Dog may get bit but still think job is fun. My dogs take on raccoons and foxes, killing them sometimes, and often getting bit in process. Even after getting bit my dogs will still dive right back in. Dogs are also very resiliant and can be nurtured which dog will like as well. Even a chihauhau can handle a weasel if dog can catch it.
I don't know what the laws are like by you regarding traps and guns and wildlife, but I think you should get a gun/trap and sort this creature out yourself. If you can. This is nonsense, waiting around and having to babysit your hens. You are stressed, the chickens are stressed... I'm not pro guns or killing creatures, I just told another member here we lost 32 chickens to predator attacks before we declared war on them. But there's no pint waiting for that thing to come back, and it will. It knows there is food and it's an easy target. You are not going to sleep easy until this is sorted, so I hope you get it sorted soon. Good luck!
I know, i especially agree with the "babysitting the hens", i shouldnt have to baby sit them it really annoys me! and some one who lives near me lost 32 to a ferret then a few weeks later it came back and killed the rest!
I suggest letting your dog have a go at it. Dog may get bit but still think job is fun. My dogs take on raccoons and foxes, killing them sometimes, and often getting bit in process. Even after getting bit my dogs will still dive right back in. Dogs are also very resiliant and can be nurtured which dog will like as well. Even a chihauhau can handle a weasel if dog can catch it.
My dog is a Jack Russell Terrier :)
My dog is a Jack Russell Terrier :)
Jack Russells were bred for dealing with vermin in the size range of weasels. You have probably the best dog breed for job! It will be small and fast enough to go after something like a weasel that is otherwise very manueverable.

I assume dog is chicken freindly?

If dog used, do not loose dog on stoat until it is away from cover. Make certain dog has visual before releasing. You may have to help dog if weasel goes under a board that needs being flipped over. You will also find dog is steller digger if stoat goes into burrow. Then be prepared to redirect dog if weasel comes out where dog does not see it. I wear shorts when dealing with small critters in such a manner since had bad experience with them going up my pants leg.

Even it stoat escapes, a close encounter with dog will enter it's calculations as to whether your birds are worth the risk.
Jack Russells were bred for dealing with vermin in the size range of weasels. You have probably the best dog breed for job! It will be small and fast enough to go after something like a weasel that is otherwise very manueverable.

I assume dog is chicken freindly?

If dog used, do not loose dog on stoat until it is away from cover. Make certain dog has visual before releasing. You may have to help dog if weasel goes under a board that needs being flipped over. You will also find dog is steller digger if stoat goes into burrow. Then be prepared to redirect dog if weasel comes out where dog does not see it. I wear shorts when dealing with small critters in such a manner since had bad experience with them going up my pants leg.

Even it stoat escapes, a close encounter with dog will enter it's calculations as to whether your birds are worth the risk.
I just got put off letting him because people said it could rip his face to bits :/, and yeah, hes really chicken friendly :)

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