Just hard-boiled eggs?

Yes they are flock animals, but he is so imprinted on you! I am not sure he could make it. Or if he’d be accepted. Any chance you can’t adopt another and just have 2 pet ducks. I mean look at that picture he surly has you as his flock. What a beautiful duck too.
Yes they are flock animals, but he is so imprinted on you! I am not sure he could make it. Or if he’d be accepted. Any chance you can’t adopt another and just have 2 pet ducks. I mean look at that picture he surly has you as his flock. What a beautiful duck too.
yep 😯, I was looking for a pet duck but didnt find one, maybe the only chance is to hatch another eggs.. they sell ducks for meats so I dont know if that kind would make an acceptable pet!!
It would be best to get one close to Picos age but if you could find one being sold for meat close to picos size you’d be doing a rescue saving a life an giving Pico a friend. It won’t be as tame as Pico probably didn’t have much of a life actually but if your up for it I bet you could tame one and give it a nice life. Please be sure you’d even want to do something like this though. Just saying as sweet a pic you posted of Pico cuddling with you just shows how bonded he is to you. If you ever wanted to let him go at that pond you’d have to do it slowly so he got use to everyone and they him. Or he could end up dead. Or hatch a few more eggs but then you’ll have to raise them up to close to his size before introducing them. Sorry I don’t mean to not be encouraging just hate the thoughts of Pico being put out at that pond and being terrified. Maybe a farmer who raises ducks for market might have one close to Pico age?
It would be best to get one close to Picos age but if you could find one being sold for meat close to picos size you’d be doing a rescue saving a life an giving Pico a friend. It won’t be as tame as Pico probably didn’t have much of a life actually but if your up for it I bet you could tame one and give it a nice life. Please be sure you’d even want to do something like this though. Just saying as sweet a pic you posted of Pico cuddling with you just shows how bonded he is to you. If you ever wanted to let him go at that pond you’d have to do it slowly so he got use to everyone and they him. Or he could end up dead. Or hatch a few more eggs but then you’ll have to raise them up to close to his size before introducing them. Sorry I don’t mean to not be encouraging just hate the thoughts of Pico being put out at that pond and being terrified. Maybe a farmer who raises ducks for market might have one close to Pico age?
I don't want to do him any harm too, he is adorable and we love him, and I see through his feelings, I was thinking of the balcony we have, it is full of garbages, so I have an idea to clean it and prepare it for him, I will make a space for him where he will sleep and another where he will eat and the corner side where he will swim, and I'm gonna keep looking for a friend as his age.
thanks Miss Lydia 😊
Just make sure he can’t find his way out an fall. They can be little escape artists!! Can you take him outside on ground to play around with you with him of course.
he won't be able to escape the balcony, we have siege of bars on its exit and the entrance is to my room, now he's just hanging in my room and pooping everywhere lol, he's lucky that after I finish my studying I have to work from home.
there's a park where it's clean and calm I can take him there, but I can't tell if it would be regularly frequent or not.

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