Just purchased 7 baby chicks

Organic Gal

Nov 12, 2019
Rising Sun, MD
I finally did it. I got my first baby chicks. I have been waiting for a year. They are a week old hatched 2/19/20. They are in the brooder and currently quiet. They don't seem to want to go under the brooder plate so I assume they are not cold. They are however all piled together next to the brooder plate. Are they just scared because its a new environment? I'm just leaving them alone right now so they can venture out from the corner on their own. They seem to all be sleeping. Its quiet here unlike the store. They did hear my dogs bark once. I hope they are ok. I had to wash poopy butts on 3 of them.

The chicks are as follows:
2 Silver Laced Wyandottes
2 Barred Rocks
2 Buff Orpingtons
1 Cuckoo Maran
Congratulations! I am not sure why, maybe try pushing one under slightly so that they can feel the warmth? If they are not chirping, I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep watching their butts for stuck poo, and wash it off if you see anything. I hope you enjoy your new chicks!
Congratulations! I am not sure why, maybe try pushing one under slightly so that they can feel the warmth? If they are not chirping, I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep watching their butts for stuck poo, and wash it off if you see anything. I hope you enjoy your new chicks!
Thanks. They seem to be doing ok right now. They are scared of me. My dogs are unsure what they are yet. My one dog seems a bit more interesting than the other two. I need to watch her closer as I think if she had a chance she would eat one. The chicks are up high on a table so the dogs cannot get to them
Congratulations! I remember when I got my first day old chicks last April...and I'm trying to figure out how to ask for forgiveness instead of permission if I decide to get some more babies this year. :fl Have fun with them!
Congratulations! Stressed chicks, from shipping and moving to a new home are bad about getting their little bottoms pooped shut. Check multiple times a day. Put probiotics and electrolytes in their water and change it daily. Have fun!
They still don't seem to want to lay under the heat plate, but prefer to sleep in a pile next to it. One is sitting under it. I raised it up a bit as I thought maybe it was too low. So far only one is under it. I guess its ok since they are not peeping

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