Okay so just now my cockerel (who is currently sitting on a towel next to me and CROWING IN MY EAR) tried to mate with my pullet and normally I just tell him not to do that after he tries to mate with her (because I'm not gonna actually punish him for doing something that his instincts are telling him to do) but this time it was for longer than usual (I didn't see it but she was clucking for a while and my mom saw it) and i think her head is sore now because when I touch it she moves her head away and clucks like it hurts her so I'm definitely gonna get three more female chicks (so they won't get overbred by him) from tractor supply co (and raise them right next to these current two but separated from them) so that by the time my mom gets her tax money in a month and their coop gets here (we are not ordering one until she gets the tax money, but we have decided for sure which one we want) the chicks will be old enough to move in with the other two and they will already be used to seeing one another (but we will still put hiding spots out there for the little ones in case the older ones get too aggressive) and it won't take as much time to get used to living together. I will try to get the females as soon as possible.
she jumped up on the railing of my bed and decided to perch there

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