Just sayin’...

Thanks! Here is the guide we’ve sourced: https://www.hort.purdue.edu/tristate_organic/poultry_2007/Light Management.pdf

Basically: you want to give hens a 14 hour daylight window to spur laying. Ideally, you adjust the light cycle as the year progresses. We have found that if our itty bitty lights are on during what become daylight hours, it’s no harm to the overall goal in our experience.
Congratulations on getting your cabinets. I'm sure you're going to enjoy them much more than the little styrofoam ones. I'll be setting some duck eggs at the end of the week and then chickens the following week. Gotta have them in time for Easter photos.

BTW, I like your breeding pens. Have you posted about them anywhere? I'd be interested in what the inside looks like, sizes, etc. I've been racking my brains on what would work in my situation and I think your solution may be it.
Thanks for the link. Those look good. I may try them this summer.
FYI, I've been using hoop coops made of cattle panels with 2x4 wire on the ends. I covered the lower 24" with chicken wire. I found that a possum could climb up and squeeze thru the 2x4 wire. And if the tarp was not fully secured at the bottom, they would climb up under the tarp and go thru the cattle panel above the chicken wire. This was an expensive lesson. I lost a lot of birds before I figured it out.

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