Just sayin’...

FYI, I've been using hoop coops made of cattle panels with 2x4 wire on the ends. I covered the lower 24" with chicken wire. I found that a possum could climb up and squeeze thru the 2x4 wire. And if the tarp was not fully secured at the bottom, they would climb up under the tarp and go thru the cattle panel above the chicken wire. This was an expensive lesson. I lost a lot of birds before I figured it out.

Varmints! We hates them, Precious, yes!!

The opossums around here have not figured out what you’re talking about, maybe because our coops are off the ground? We have ‘coons more than opossums, which are equally deadly to chickens and have clever fingers. The tarps on these coops are lashed down and are fairly stiff, so we haven’t had any varmints getting between them and the chicken wire on the sides. The bottom of these coops has a double layer of wire. There is a 2 x 4 welded wire lining the bottom covered by 1 inch poultry netting. I’m not saying no varmints can get into them. I’m just saying that so far, around here anyways, so good!

Thanks for your input!
I have two unknown breed chicks. I wanted to try out my new hovabator and I bought some inexpensive eggs. There were several issues that were my fault, humidity too low at lockdown and I couldn't get it up. One chick I rescued and one hatched on her own out of 6 that went into lockdown alive. Now I know to put sponges in. The chicks are doing well in my giant brooder, lol, and I will have room for the next hatch by setting up a screen in there.

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