Just what exactly is "broody"?


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
I always thought broody meant the hen wants to stay on the nest and lay on the eggs, in hopes of hatching them. My buff Orph is in the nest sitting on NOTHING but straw and hay, no eggs. There are eggs in the nest next to her, but she just stays in the empy one. She growls at you if you come near, fluffs her feathers, and wont eat or leave the nest. If I take her out she just stands there, then realizes she is away from the nest and makes a b-line for it.

None of my other hens in the flocks that I have had in the past have done this.
Is it another form of "broody"?
When your once friendly hen decides to become a recluse in the coop nesting boxes, steals all your other girls eggs and sounds like a tasmanian devil when you try to remove them from underneath her

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