Keeping a hen quiet for 2 days in an apartment


8 Years
May 7, 2011
Long story short, I drove my hen from my parents back to the city where I live to see a vet. She will stay here with me until Thursday. Even though she has a huge tumor, she is completely normal and upbeat. I am very nervous about her making noise while I am working 7-5. Shell be in a 3x3 box covered by a blanket so dark...

Any advice?
Im hoping so too! I have had a sick one before indoors and remain quiet but this girl feels better than new despite it all and tends to be noisy outside. Just a tad nervous people will hear her.
If anyone complains just tell them you got a crazy new phone as a gift from people who know you love chickens.
I think you will be just fine. The only time mine are really noise is when they lay but if she's covered it should be fine. Maybe turn on the TV to help cover her noise if she makes any. Good luck and I hope she gets better soon!

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