Keeping bettas

I have kept Bettas with male guppies that have very small tails. Male guppies with huge fancy tails attract too much attention and are too slow to be able to avoid attack of a male Betta.

You would never be able to keep a Betta with guppies that you are trying to breed. They would eat the fry as fast as the female has them.

I'm sure the bettas have different temperaments. Mine all attacked my guppies, these are hobby fish, so have very small tails, and killed one. I won't take the chance again, especially with my breeders, but perhaps your Bettas are different.

My old male betta was kept with all sorts of fish, rosy reds, killifish, a kory cat, ghost shrimp, and 2 female and one male guppy. The betta was pretty laid back and mainly kept to himself, I never seen him interact much with the guppies, let alone attack them, but my current betta I would be more worried about with guppies because he's a lot more "involved" with everything in the tank. So I guess it's just an individual thing, some are laid back and others aren't. At least that's my two cents( or is it sense? Lol)
The personality of the betta is probably the decision maker want to keep guppies with bettas. If the betta is pretty laid back and keeps to himself, then you could try guppies. If the betta is a fast, ready to pounce kind of betta, then guppies might not be the best option.
This is also my understanding.

The personality of the betta is probably the decision maker want to keep guppies with bettas. If the betta is pretty laid back and keeps to himself, then you could try guppies. If the betta is a fast, ready to pounce kind of betta, then guppies might not be the best option.
This is also my understanding.


My Bettas seemed extremely laid back. Little female, less than an inch long, ripped my guppy to shreds. She was about as laid back looking as they come. You can't tell just by looking. I don't encourage keeping bettas with guppies. I mean no offense, but my breeder guppies, some of which are show material, are not worth trying to keep a betta with them. They may be tolerated, but it's not a chance I'm taking. Even if the guppy is not killed outright, stress from being chased by the betta or even just seeing such an imposing fish can kill them or make them extremely sickly. My opinion is biased because I keep and breed guppies and they are some of my favorite fish, but I do keep Bettas and much prefer the guppies. I wouldn't try it unless you have a backup plan when, if, your betta becomes aggressive. I've found the males seem to be much more docile than the females.

My Bettas seemed extremely laid back. Little female, less than an inch long, ripped my guppy to shreds. She was about as laid back looking as they come. You can't tell just by looking. I don't encourage keeping bettas with guppies. I mean no offense, but my breeder guppies, some of which are show material, are not worth trying to keep a betta with them. They may be tolerated, but it's not a chance I'm taking. Even if the guppy is not killed outright, stress from being chased by the betta or even just seeing such an imposing fish can kill them or make them extremely sickly. My opinion is biased because I keep and breed guppies and they are some of my favorite fish, but I do keep Bettas and much prefer the guppies. I wouldn't try it unless you have a backup plan when, if, your betta becomes aggressive. I've found the males seem to be much more docile than the females.


I am thinking about guppies and I am not willing to make the choice of keeping bettas with them. There are some peeps that want to keep them with bettas so that is for them.

Jumping onto this thread.
I keep my Bettas in 2.5-10g tanks. Filtered, some heated, with live plants. My males average about 5 yrs.

This was my last boy in his 10g palace.

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He was a petstore Crowntail with some Butterfly traits. I keep meaning to go to the IBC Annual Meet since it's only 45 min away, but I usually have dog or wine events that weekend

Thank you, he was my sunshine yellow boy ...that's what I called him in my head.

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