Keeping chickens cool,


8 Years
Apr 6, 2011
Hi, I recieved that chickens love cold mellon, so I gave them some. Though they eat that up fast, so I need to find other fruit options for them. What else could I feed them?
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Fortunate here is Delaware to have a multitude of produce stands in the area that have watermelons a other kinds of melons at this time of year.

Sometimes at night I will sit and watch a DVD and cut up melon and put the pieces in the freezer. In the afternoon when it is like it is now and 95 degrees with 82% humidity I grab a zip lock baggie full and head outside.....toss them in and watch the action. They have fun and so do I.

Keep Cool!
We've got TONS of zucchini and yellow squash right now. I found one of those baseball bat sized zucchini that had been overlooked in the garden the other day and just threw the whole thing in the chicken coop. There were scared of it at first, but when I went back later that was no sign of the squash. I gave them another one yesterday and they got really excited! I figure it gives them something to do and there's a lot of water in the squash as well.
You don't have to do anything to keep your chickens cool. They're awesome just because they're chickens and that keeps them cool as can be.
You can give them just about anything. Mine love any kind of frozen fruit when its hot. I cut a watermelon in half and scoop out the meat with an ice cream scoop and freeze the melon balls. Then I also freeze the bowl rind so when its time to give them a treat I have a ready made edible bowl!


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