Keeping Chickens When You Have Arthritis.

Since they have been testing me for Gout I've been taking stock of what I eat and my responses to it. I've cut out red meat and have noticed less foot pain. Last night ate ice cream with high fructose corn syrup and today my fingers have been hurting me. Set here at my computer tonight eating another small bowl of ice cream and suddenly saw the correlation. Told DH I would have to see how my fingers felt in the morning but....

So this new diet is high on veggies and milk products, okay on fruits, especially bananas and only so so on fruits like apples and pears. Meat only 3 days a week 4 at the most. So it is really promoting veganism which I'm not real big on but it's big on eggs and cheeses with chicken meat three days a week.

Man I would kill for a Payday Candybar.:drool
I found some flavored mini rice cakes and white chocolate chips both gluten free. I melted the chocolate and drizzled on the rice cakes! Like eating chocolate covered pretzels or candy bar
Fritos, tostitos gluten free! Lucky charms and rice Chex, Cheerios gluten free! After 3 weeks on an elimination diet.... I am ready for some comfort food junk! Nachos for dinner tomorrow! LOL
I had very little joint pain today and even a little energy! Cleaned chicken coup! I then proceeded to poke myself in the eye on bell pepper stem while watering in my greenhouse. Very large corneal abrasion! Spending afternoon at urgent care was not on my agenda today!
The yellow area is the abrasion! Dang they hurt!
I found some flavored mini rice cakes and white chocolate chips both gluten free. I melted the chocolate and drizzled on the rice cakes! Like eating chocolate covered pretzels or candy bar
Fritos, tostitos gluten free! Lucky charms and rice Chex, Cheerios gluten free! After 3 weeks on an elimination diet.... I am ready for some comfort food junk! Nachos for dinner tomorrow! LOL
I had very little joint pain today and even a little energy! Cleaned chicken coup! I then proceeded to poke myself in the eye on bell pepper stem while watering in my greenhouse. Very large corneal abrasion! Spending afternoon at urgent care was not on my agenda today!
OUCH! Nice abrasion. I did the same thing when I stabbed myself with a long pine needle only I ran it into the conjunctiva and it followed the curve of my eyeball...thank God! Man does that hurt and hurt and hurt for three days it hurt and the cornea is even more sensitive so you are really enjoying that one.

Hope they gave you some antibiotic drops to use with it. I was lucky when I did mine all I had to do was call DH, aka Doctor Honey inside to take a look at my injury. If it gets to be too painful please see your eye care professional. You don't want an infection or a scar to deal with.
Been busy here all morning making 4 loaves of bread, fresh mustard green pesto.. with fresh basil, parmesan cheese and black pepper dry in a jar that goes in the freezer hydrate with olive oil as needed also making ham and bean soup for dinner. Went cleaned both coops trimmed Muds top knot she was so good for it sold every egg I had last night two of my most reliable customers showed up 2 - 18 to one 2 - 12's plus a banty to the other cleaned me out but girls handed me 7 before breakfast
@Kfults they eye is too precious this I know please see and eye Dr. soon as possible
Glad you are feeling better! I know how bad that hurts.:hugs

Good going on the eggs @penny1960. My hens are giving me about 5 eggs a week. Most of the bantams are just now molting. Rotten timing considering how cold it has been. It was pretty nice here today so I opened the pop door and flung a bunch of the youngsters outside. Some of the snow melted.

I took a nap this afternoon. Haven't felt too bad. Just no energy/stamina. Trade off for minimal pain I guess.
It usually does me also, Penny. I slept for about an hour and a half but I was sitting at one of the radio room computers doing a lesson on learning Morse Code and found myself nodding off.

If this is the worse side effect I get from the Prolia, I'll be a happy camper! I'm used to napping from the Methotrexate so what's one more drug that causes me to nap in the afternoons?

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