Keeping mice out of coop


7 Years
Feb 10, 2012
LaSalle Ontario Canada
is this an issue anyone has.

We are planning to build our coop out of OSB. We have a cement patio block (you know, those big square ones) that we are planning to use as a base. I think we need a floor too, to keep mice out since they can get between the patio blocks if they want to. My husband doesn't feel that using wood as a floor would work since the mice could chew through it. I also want to put vinyl flooring on the floor for easier clean up. I think that the mice would not be likely to bother for the most part. I am being told by my husband and his dad that I an nuts to think so. We really do have a problem with mice around us so, maybe I should just forget it.

I am really getting frustrated. Every time I think of a solution somebody shoots it down.
I've experienced rodents in my city setting.Two baby possums we clubbed to death. Two rats were trapped, two I shot with my bow and two died because of the rat bait I put out.{ just as I type I think I saw a rat at the feeder}. I put the rat poison under the floor where the chickens can't get to it, and I set the traps out near where the rodent trail is.Most of the time rodents don't sleep/live where their food source is--so you could put poison well away from coop.

I've read that hardware wire works pretty well. if you dig a trench all around the coop {8" deep} and attached it to the coop . this will keep out not only rodents but also predators.That was a little out of my budget though.

I havn't had anything chew through the wood to get in the coop,but I keep my feeder outside for the most part.

I've also been told that chickens can kill and eat mice.{ could be worth checking out}
We have our coop in our very large cinderblock barn. Dirt floor. We have a roo, and 8 hens. Feeders and waterers all hang from the ceiling from chains. Mice STILL get in. We have a barn cat that does a great job, but can't get to all of them. We had a 5 gallon bucket mounted to the wall in a bucket holder that held chicken feed inside the coop. Normally we keep the lid on it. We forgot one time and 3 mice got down in it and died. I saw them, went to get gloves, and when i came back, 2 hens were on the bucket ledge eating the mice. They loved it. I, however, was horrified! I know that they are omnivores, and I guess they just couldn't catch live mice, so this was a treat to them. :) Sick, but whatever. No matter how we have rodent-proofed our coop, they still get in. Between the chickens and the cat, they have to be pretty brave...Good luck!
I put 1/2 in hardware cloth underneath the floor (between the wood frame and floor boards) to discourage rats. I don't think mice can chew through floors as well as rats. I clued and nailed vinyl flooring on top of the wood floor and 6 inches up the sides. Lots of people put vinyl floors in their coops.
If you really want to rodent and predator proof a building put down hardware cloth that is larger than the coop and will extend a good foot beyond the dimensions of you coop. Build your coop top of the hardware cloth and tie any outside predator proofing on the coop to the hardware cloth underneath the coop and it will always be predator proof. Of course there is always the door.

is this an issue anyone has.

We are planning to build our coop out of OSB. We have a cement patio block (you know, those big square ones) that we are planning to use as a base. I think we need a floor too, to keep mice out since they can get between the patio blocks if they want to. My husband doesn't feel that using wood as a floor would work since the mice could chew through it. I also want to put vinyl flooring on the floor for easier clean up. I think that the mice would not be likely to bother for the most part. I am being told by my husband and his dad that I an nuts to think so. We really do have a problem with mice around us so, maybe I should just forget it.

I am really getting frustrated. Every time I think of a solution somebody shoots it down.

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