Keeping track of peachick growth photos?

Okay,it's been another day now,,and I came home to 6 new out of the shell peachiks,,,(wheres the Reggae Red vino?) Okay,,,the first picture,,the peachick on the right is the 100% IB,,,or closest to my fingertips,,next two pictures the IB peachick is still towards the tips of my fingers.Now the mystery chick,,,it's the first one I've hatched from my Charcoal Dark pied w/e male this year.He is with 3 Black Shoulder split to Charcoal hens all purchased from Brad Legg.Since IB color is dominate,,guess it really comes thru in this chick.I guess it would be described as an IB split to Charcoal dark pied w/e,and split to black really has a genetic toolbox full of combinations,,I'm disappointed it looks like a straight IB,,,but I know what potential genetically it has hidden.I've only had 3 eggs from my charcoal male develope this year so far,,1 never pipped and the other quit before breaking the airsack,,but I still have 3 more all developing in the bator now,,and that will be all I will get this year from my Charcoal male,,,hopefully next year we burn the bator up with charcoals.
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WOW that is alot of splits, good thing they don't express all the different colors at once i think they could look ugly. like mutts do sometimes
would it be easier to start a different thread for each kind of peafowl? like one for IB, one for BS etc? then no one would have to sticky anything. just post picts on the correct forrum with as much detail as possible? just a thought.
It's a good idea but the point of making it a sticky is that it would be easy to find, instead of having to dig back through all of the old threads...
If someone wanted to do this I have pics of India Blues from egg to current (only a few wks). I take them at least once a week. I did forget to weigh and measure them from day one. But can start if people wanted to go through with it.

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