Keets in the Mail

I have to go back up to moms to check on them in a little while I will get pix then. But here are the Pix PeepsCA sent me when they started hatching....

All tuckered out from crakin shell.
Thanks Lois.
The ones I got from you are bumping their heads on their brooder.
Hard to believe they are five weeks already, I am taking them up to the house this weekend. Finally got my water situation figured out. Broken booster pump on the 3000 gallon tank. Cant get water out of it and its the only source for water for the animals. So I am having a faucet put in that uses the house water. I should have one anyway for emergencies.
OK every picture I took sucked big time. With one exception

had just started cleaning out the brooder to put in shelf liner when I thought.... I should do a video. Little stupid point and shoot digital. It tries. I miss my Cannon TX 35mm reflex. So I took it on the off hand it would come out.... So here they are in their Wittle cute suits, jack booting all over the place. For such tiny things they make a lot of noise when they walk about. And woe the teeniest who get in the way they get an extra jet boost from his brothers with the jack boots.

One little fellow got flipped over I looked down and here he was on his back with his wittle wings straight out and his legs pedaling in the air. I helped him up.

Been Jack Booted

Hes ok just embarrassed. I think I may get another lamp and set up a separate area for the littler ones. Though I think just one or two more days they will be fine as long as I don't get them riled.
Yes, THANKS from me too!!! I was soOoOoO stressed... A first time shipping experience for me, I usually just deal with local sales, minimal transport times, so I was a complete trainwreck lol
perchie.girl :

OK every picture I took sucked big time. With one exception

had just started cleaning out the brooder to put in shelf liner when I thought.... I should do a video. Little stupid point and shoot digital. It tries. I miss my Cannon TX 35mm reflex. So I took it on the off hand it would come out.... So here they are in their Wittle cute suits, jack booting all over the place. For such tiny things they make a lot of noise when they walk about. And woe the teeniest who get in the way they get an extra jet boost from his brothers with the jack boots.

One little fellow got flipped over I looked down and here he was on his back with his wittle wings straight out and his legs pedaling in the air. I helped him up.

Been Jack Booted

Hes ok just embarrassed. I think I may get another lamp and set up a separate area for the littler ones. Though I think just one or two more days they will be fine as long as I don't get them riled.

LOL... I'm SO sorry about the size differences, that hatch totally did NOT cooperate for the shipping date, it was a freakin' staggered of a hatch as it could be, earlies and lates!... So the littlest guys were most likely the last to hatch (that morning)! They wil catch up eventually, but yah, a second brooder might be a good idea for a couple days... Cute little PITAs anyway!
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perchie.girl :

Thanks Lois.
The ones I got from you are bumping their heads on their brooder.
Hard to believe they are five weeks already, I am taking them up to the house this weekend. Finally got my water situation figured out. Broken booster pump on the 3000 gallon tank. Cant get water out of it and its the only source for water for the animals. So I am having a faucet put in that uses the house water. I should have one anyway for emergencies.

Deb yer slackin' woman, we need pics of the older bunch too!!!​

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