Keets in the Mail

Whew, mission accomplished, good job! Now on to the next project huh? I feel your pain, it never ends around here either, lol. Supposed to cool down to the high 80s here this weekend (it's been 105-109 consistently for over a week now, UGH!!!), so I'll be bustin' butt again to get as much done as I can.

I'm thinking after this breeding/hatching/selling season comes to an end (if it ever does, lol) that my Mom's time share in Hawaii for a couple weeks sounds pretty darn good
Next project is the LittlUns are going up next weekend. I am going up today to finish out the stuff I wasn't able to finish today. By next weekend I will have moved the Tweenagers to the bigger side of the coop 12 x 10 and the Babies are going in the 12 x 6 side. Its more secure With finer mesh. I still have to reclaim my aviary panels from "other peoples uses".

But extracting those will be a project in itself. My roommate decided she didn't want Birds nesting in the green house so she had our neighbor take my aviary panels and line the existing dog kennel panel that was keeping the cats in. Each panel is about a hundred bucks to replace where she could have just told me and I could have brought up some plastic mesh. A single roll of that mesh is under forty bucks and is enough to do the Bird exclusion.... Penalty I pay for not living there for four years.

ONce the keets are all up at the house I am beginning my own move home.... And it all started with 10+1 Keets and 33 Keets in the Mail.
Went up this AM tools and mom in tow. Arrived at the house to the sounds of a teeny little voice in the background.... Buk Wheat Buk Wheat Buk Wheat....LOL Only one voice. The water tank went together well though I found out too late that I didn't have a connector for the hose to split it off the main hose.... Dang.

It was almost a hundred in the shade. I put the water tank in the coop and sat in my chair to let the Tweenagers settle down. Thankfully they only drank about a third of the water I left for them yesterday.... Good news. While I sat there they were rubber necking me from their corner.... finally one the tallest Pearl let out her soft Buk Wheat Buk Wheat. They all gathered around and they started collapsing in the dirt.

I thought for a moment we were going to get another dust bath but no..... Nap time. They tried to keep their eyes open but it was just too hard.... pretty soon it was a pile of feathers shut eyes legs and necks in hap hazard positions. Just like when they were baby Keets. soo sweet. I cant wait to get the next batch up there.

I looked around and there was evidence that they had roosted on their two by three set on the chair across to the cage. And Poo in the top of the feeder.... Hopefully tomorrow I can get some good perches up so they can learn to roost high up.... Plus getting the poultry water tank operational. I need to level it but it should be pretty easy. I am going to anchor it to the wall too just in case we get a little shakin and bakin.... we have a fault that goes through the area within about fifteen miles out near Ocotillo.
I'm glad they're doing so well. I love to read about them. If I could I'd keep all of them but it just isn't do able so this is the next best thing. Knowing what they're doing is fun.
I went up today to the house and finally got the thirty gallon reservoir built and installed in the guinea pen. I still only hear one female voice in the pack... One had fallen behind the cage between the wall and a stud and wasnt able to get out. I let him out and moved the cage a tad so it wont happen again. They still zoom into the cage if they get scared... LOL. But they come out right away. Seems like the female is the leader of the pack.

On Thursday I set up two water bowls for them one a two gallon bucket and one a gravity fed dog bowl. For about a total of three gallons of water. I have been checking it every day and not refilling to see how much water they drink in 100 degree heat. Today they were down to one third of the two gallon bucket and about an inch in the other. Whew I am going to say that means (rounding off) ten Guineas drink three gallons of water in three days. So a gallon per day.

The reason for all this is to determine how long my thirty gallon container will last ten guineas. So 44 (round up to 45) guineas will drink three gallons per day that means my 30 gallon container will last ten days. Give or take. I will never be away that long.

The food is lasting much longer too. Yay.
Didn't get diddly squat done this weekend as far as Guinea projects go, because I spent my time watching smoke and flames from a nearby 350+ acre wildfire burning out of control... ack! It's finally contained, but MANNNNNNNN is there a lot of stinky smoke lingering in my little valley, ugh! Hack! Hack! Cough!! Cough!!

The power was even out for several hours, so I had to drag out the faithful ol' genny to keep the incubators running! I was WAY stressin' about watering my animals and my garden in the beginning, but luckily everything came back in about 6:30 PM. and I watered well and filled extra buckets just in case. It was about 105 during the temp peak of the day, which was right when the power went out... and UGH no central A/C to cool myself off with 'til I ran another extension cord running a little window A/C and just hid in my bedroom for a few hours, lol/



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Oh my GAWD.... Your area is tooo pretty to burn ..... Every time i smell smoke my radar is out. We had two big fires up here and one of them we were evacuated twice.... I am so glad they got a handle on it....
ok here are the buggers at three plus weeks....

Already in their bigger digs. The roof on this is 40 inches high and I have seen them shoot up within six inches from the top.

Sorry PeepsCA I cant get to them to pin one down for a photo op. So Identification of Which ones are which will have to come after they get their feathers.
I made the cage too big to work with them at all.



I suck with these digital cameras. sorry.
Man how they have grown! Nice cage!!! They are loving the space, the sun and fresh air I bet!
Check the other thread, I labeled some of the keets in the last pic.

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