Kentucky people

That is crazy that a fox would be so bold!! Were you outside when it happened?
I need to put my quail back in their cage, they are too stupid to figure out that the food is inside the coop. I finally (much to the protests of my back) caught them all and locked them inside the coop, they acted like they were starved to death when I tossed them in there
Plus they keep getting out somehow, and I can't figure it out. There should be 31 in there, and I only counted 28 (I think). It's not as bad as yesterday, there were probably 10 of them out then, but we found them all and put them back.

I'll have to do something with the chicken chicks that are in there too, I think there is only 2 chickens and the 3 guineas left, and there were at least 5 chickens that I put in there!
Stupid rats, it's got to be. The chicks that I know are missing are white (silkie and a jap), and the rats seem to love the white chicks.

I'm going to get some plaster of paris when I get some money and make some rat and mouse food, that'll teach 'em!
Bruce was outside, watched it all happen. (the whole time hollering for me to grab the gun - which was not where it was supposed to be

Toby was, naturally, inside with me, didn't go out til afterwards to chase the fox.

They're doing fine, Will is right around 30 pounds I think. Coco took off with Maggie and didn't come back, we were really upset about it. We just had a neighborhood dog that would wander over just get hit. The woman that ran him over was so upset, she was in tears. Congrats on the new flock! Let us know if you want a rooster, we've got a white silky that is about as worthless as they come and we've got some new baby chicks that should have a rooster or two in there. The girls always seem happier with a fella to run them around.
that would be cool, I've been wanting a smoker, been trying to decide between charcoal or propane. I think perhaps propane would be more even temps, but for shorter smoke times (like on quail) the charcoal would probably be good. (I don't want electric).

Mojo Chick'n :

that would be cool, I've been wanting a smoker, been trying to decide between charcoal or propane. I think perhaps propane would be more even temps, but for shorter smoke times (like on quail) the charcoal would probably be good. (I don't want electric).


So you didn't comment on my offer, do you want the rodents or not??
that would be cool, I've been wanting a smoker, been trying to decide between charcoal or propane. I think perhaps propane would be more even temps, but for shorter smoke times (like on quail) the charcoal would probably be good. (I don't want electric).


So you didn't comment on my offer, do you want the rodents or not??

I must have missed that -- rodents?
This one

I did miss that.

no, I have plenty of mice, here. no rats, thankfully.

I am thinking a nice fox fur would look cool hanging from the coop wall - and the skull can go on a post out front - as a warning to all (ala Vlad the Impaler) to not mess with my chickens.

They're doing fine, Will is right around 30 pounds I think. Coco took off with Maggie and didn't come back, we were really upset about it. We just had a neighborhood dog that would wander over just get hit. The woman that ran him over was so upset, she was in tears. Congrats on the new flock! Let us know if you want a rooster, we've got a white silky that is about as worthless as they come and we've got some new baby chicks that should have a rooster or two in there. The girls always seem happier with a fella to run them around.

Aw sorry about Coco... He was so goofy...
They're doing fine, Will is right around 30 pounds I think. Coco took off with Maggie and didn't come back, we were really upset about it. We just had a neighborhood dog that would wander over just get hit. The woman that ran him over was so upset, she was in tears. Congrats on the new flock! Let us know if you want a rooster, we've got a white silky that is about as worthless as they come and we've got some new baby chicks that should have a rooster or two in there. The girls always seem happier with a fella to run them around.

Aw sorry about Coco... He was so goofy...

He was fun, I always got a workout after coming home, he'd fetch til your arm got sore. I still feel guilty over that happening, I don't know why he didn't come back, someone probably thought he'd make a great pet.

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