Kentucky people

wood&feathers :

Anything outside of town with no neighborhood ass. is chicken friendly.

There's one in every neighborhood huh

Just kidding... But that was my good laugh for this nasty floody day... I saw that and couldn't resist...

Everyone try to have a great day!

I have a creek to cross right now to lock my girlies up this evening... May just leave it open tonight. Don't feel like getting washed away today.​
Seems most of the heavy snow clouds missed me and went in your direction instead!

Yeah we've had a crazy mix today one minute its snowing to beat the drum, then the sun comes out, next hour its dropping sleet balls.... crazy im telling ya crazy.
Just put in an Amish wood fired cook stove, putin it to good use today. Got a lamb roast in the dutch oven. smellin up the whole house... im gettin hungry.

Are your Faverolles LF or bantam? I didn't know anyone close to me had Faverolles. I have eggs coming this week!

They will be Large Fowl

and Hello! I think my Dad lived in Sadieville when he was young
I want to try selling the babies and maybe the eggs later this year, perhaps in the fall. I wanna spend some time getting all my pens good and secure for now. Im experimenting this year and want to build up a decent sized flock of the Faverolles and I ordered some French Black Copper Marans eggs and an assortment of other breeds. I'm really hoping I have some of the white Faverolles hatch since they seem to be even less common thatn the Salmon ones.
WHOA... I got two whole eggs today!!!!! Barbie is starting back to laying again. Other than her and Union I have 4 more with really red combs and faces that should be laying really soon... I'm so excited!!!
I kept mine between 40% and 50% and the temp at 99.5 to 100.5. Seramas needed close to 60%. I sold all my hatching stuff last year... Gonna go with the girlys this year if they want to go broody on me... Then give away or sell the babies as I won't be keeping any I will have all the girlys I need already.

Good luck!
Mrs. Turbo... Our kids didnt even have school today! Now how silly is that and THERE IS NO SNOW ...
We do have itty, bitty, teeny, tiny flakes falling right now, you squint and look really good you can see them

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