Kentucky people

Request for my sis, she was in a bad car accident last night and they might have to amputate her foot. Please keep her in your thoughts, prayers, whatever it is that you do, that they won't have to take the foot
Prayers sent! What a daunting worry!

As cold and dreary as it is, my girls had another good day, 3 out of four laid an egg. They had slowed up to 1 or 2 a day during molt, and seem to be recovering.

Funny thing in my backwards flock. My top hen looks terrible and needs a bath for her injuries, and a saddle for further protection. My bottom girl looks like some kind of hatchery picture, she is always gorgeous, with every feather glowing and perfect. She's just "chicken" and avoids trouble ;-)
I had to put mmy first hen down this afternoon, I am sad
. I suspected my Orpington laid soft shell/no shell eggs since she started laying in August. Today while I was working in the run I noticed she was all fluffed and by herself (she is usually the supervisor) When I picked her up and looked her over, she had a soft shell eggs half in half out and her vent was prolapsed. She also was very thin.

I read up on it here and it seemed like it would just happen again and again. She must have had something genetic going on. I thought it was better to put her to rest. I feel awful, I didn't think I would ever get so attached to chickens.

Thanks for listening I just hope I made the correct decision
We really are not sure what breed. One is black and the other is multicolored mostly beige some brown...
I think this is how to post a picture.

Thank You

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