Kentucky people

would anyone in here be interested in trading some birds ?????? i have 2 black silkies , that will not serve me any purpose interested in eggs or meat . i would be willing to trade 2 silkies for one egg layer , here is the catch . whatever it may be it needs to be docile enough to get along with my turkens ..... i know its a long shot but i wanted to try ......
Today as I was walking to the hen house I heard a Charlie crow as usual (he is a bantam), but right after him a second low timber crow!!! When I opened the door all three 20 week old Wyndotte cockerel were sitting on a perch the blue in the middle. The two blacks were just looking at him! I suspect they all were very surprised with the crow he made. That is the first one I have heard from any of them.
Yea we brought in my sons 'hen" that I have been insisting is a roo ( silkie). Anyway we were woken up around 4 am to the most horrid crowing I have ever heard. He is now convinced we have the first crowing hen. sigh
When Cristian's first silkie roo started crowing I'd tease him and say that someone was trying to kill it. Then it became a joke, even he'd say that someone was trying to kill his rooster again
I would be interested in a trade but I do not have any laying hens that I can get rid of. I do have some Buff Opr and Silver Laced Wynndottes that are young. They are anywere from a day old to about 2 months. Let me know if you would be interested.
I have 9 9 mos. old Buff Orpington hens for sale. If interested there are pics and info on the for sale 8wks and older section. I'm making room for some up and coming hens that I have.
i live in morgantown , ky (butler county).................. i am hoping to get a hen big enough to not get killed by my turkens ....i have 7 turkens and the pecking order has been established ... im worried about a small bird getting killed ! i dont wanna get rid of my 2 silkies for a hen thats gonna get killed ........ 6 or 7 month old i think should hold her own .... i have 3 roosters and they know thier place in the flock ,,, i know im taking a chance at introducing a new hen to the flock , but im trying to benefit from the chickens , not just feed them !!!!! lol ..hey coogle do you think a 2 month old hen would be able to defend herself ? buffs are supposed to be real docile , so if you have a 2 month old buff i may be interested ...........vickie 2133 im in morgantown ,,,,, what kind of hens do you have and how old are they birds are about 7 months old and i gotta worry that i dont get a hen that will get killed !

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