Kentucky people

I was wondering how you could afford to give ur cages w/ your poultry~especially in today's economy. My opinion is to have the buyers bring a container for their purchases. I know of one succesful breeder that hauls his in old fashioned feed sacks,not the new total plastic ones, which I cannot find many uses for & it is dangerous to burn them. .
I was wondering how you could afford to give ur cages w/ your poultry~especially in today's economy. My opinion is to have the buyers bring a container for their purchases. I know of one successful breeder that hauls his in old fashioned feed sacks,not the new total plastic ones, which I cannot find many uses for & it is dangerous to burn them. .

They won't transfer them because then it's too easy for people to steal things and/or lose animals. So they have to stay in whatever they are brought in. They don't allow bags, they have to be in a box or cage of some sort.
I was wondering how you could afford to give ur cages w/ your poultry~especially in today's economy. My opinion is to have the buyers bring a container for their purchases. I know of one successful breeder that hauls his in old fashioned feed sacks,not the new total plastic ones, which I cannot find many uses for & it is dangerous to burn them. .

They won't transfer them because then it's too easy for people to steal things and/or lose animals. So they have to stay in whatever they are brought in. They don't allow bags, they have to be in a box or cage of some sort.

OK I understand the concept. When you have some time could you take pics of your cages or some that you also think work well? I usually transport mine in a chicken crate or a couple kinds of dog/cat crates.
I'll have to take some pics of my 'sale cages', I don't have any right now. Basically, you just put a cardboard box together and put wire on the top so it's 'open'. For the banana boxes, I put wire on the inside bottom since it has an opening there. Then I fold the brown paper (comes with the box) and lay it on top of the wire. I use zip ties and raise the top of the box so that it's about 18" tall over all, zip-tying it together so it will stay up. Then I put another piece of wire over the top of the box where the other opening is. I put shavings or straw/hay in the bottom of the box so they have something less slippery to stand on.

I'll try to remember to get some pics tomorrow of some of my 'sale cages'.
Hi everyone,

We're looking for a Plymouth Barred Rock roo to join our PBR ladies and our one other wonderful roo. If anyone in the Hardin County area (willing to go a bit further out, if needed) has one available, please let me know.
One of the Cochins I got from KennedyCochins, they are very sweet


One of the EE's we got a few weeks back...I love her coloring

she fell asleep

Named this one Cleo short for Cleopatra because of the eyeliner
GREAT ! I'm going to try & follow ur instructions step by step~ because your 'sale cages' would come in very handy for selling poultry anywhere. Do you use chicken wire or hardware cloth ? I forgot I bought a really cute & handy chicken crate for one reg size chicken for $8 @ the Frankfort Fall Sale & Show. He also made large ones,however I would not sell them w/ my chicks either. Anxious to see ur pics, Thanks.........
GREAT ! I'm going to try & follow ur instructions step by step~ because your 'sale cages' would come in very handy for selling poultry anywhere. Do you use chicken wire or hardware cloth ? I forgot I bought a really cute & handy chicken crate for one reg size chicken for $8 @ the Frankfort Fall Sale & Show. He also made large ones,however I would not sell them w/ my chicks either. Anxious to see ur pics, Thanks.........

Usually chicken wire but the ones I made for this sale have plastic garden fencing on them. I didn't feel like hacking my 6' tall chicken wire all to heck to get a few 12"x12" pieces

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