Kentucky people

Yes she has 2 Lakenvelders a white and a buff...also at least one Brahma maybe two they are dark. PM me and I can get you all the information

That would be 'golden', no such thing as a buff lakenvelder

I really would like to get another golden lakenvelder rooster, my guy just isn't gonna cut it. Cristian's dog got loose last fall (chicken killer) and bit him on the abdomen. Apparently it damaged some nerves or muscles/ligaments because he hasn't been able to walk/stand right since. He sleeps on the floor of his cage because he doesn't have the strength or balance or whatever to roost.
And he's such a pretty boy too
If anyone knows how to do AI I'd be interested in least then he wouldn't be a total waste.

Thanks for the correction Shelley
hey I didn't even know what they were before she got them. Pretty birds.
That would be 'golden', no such thing as a buff lakenvelder

I really would like to get another golden lakenvelder rooster, my guy just isn't gonna cut it. Cristian's dog got loose last fall (chicken killer) and bit him on the abdomen. Apparently it damaged some nerves or muscles/ligaments because he hasn't been able to walk/stand right since. He sleeps on the floor of his cage because he doesn't have the strength or balance or whatever to roost.
And he's such a pretty boy too
If anyone knows how to do AI I'd be interested in least then he wouldn't be a total waste.

Thanks for the correction Shelley
hey I didn't even know what they were before she got them. Pretty birds.

They are very pretty birds, the roosters are the best cause the hens have a lot of work to do on their coloring. I have 2 hens and the 1 roo. 1 hen looks 'right' but the other looks almost partridge in her coloring.

Here is my pretty boy before the stupid dog, he is such a pretty rooster!

This is my great-nephew visiting from Chicago...he loved my chicks and chickens. I let the boys help me gather eggs. they were just amazed.
Hey all, just a reminder that the Casey Co. Auction is this coming Saturday (a week from today). If you are selling, birds have to be in 'cages' that they sell in. So if you're buying you don't need to bring any cages unless you are buying livestock (pigs, goats, etc.). My 'cages' are cardboard boxes with wire tied on the tops so you can see what's in there and they can't get out. I like to use the banana boxes the best, they are good, sturdy boxes.
I was wondering how you could afford to give ur cages w/ your poultry~especially in today's economy. My opinion is to have the buyers bring a container for their purchases. I know of one successful breeder that hauls his in old fashioned feed sacks,not the new total plastic ones, which I cannot find many uses for & it is dangerous to burn them. .

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