Kentucky people

First Good Luck ! Next you should go to a FARM supply store & get Goat Kid Milk Replacer~nothing else has the proper nutrients & butter fat that Goat kids need~instructions on bag. It will need a CD&T shot @ one month & 2nd one @ 2 months (2cc each time Sub Cue under elbow.) Maybe you should also pick up a book or magazine about raising goats, they require a lot of care.
Ky has a Goat & Sheep Development office in Frankfort~also on Facebook w/ Ray Bowman.:cool:Back Yard Herds is a thread for livestock other than chickens
I live in Bloomfield KY near Bardstown. I am new to Chickens and have 6 Orpingtons 3 Black and Three Blue they are 9 & 10 weeks old. I may have a roo to sell at a later date. I live on a hobby farm and have always wanted to raise Chickens. I was lucky enough to find these rare chicks from a local farm. Beautiful Birds so far. They are going to be big.
Hi there ! I am certain that your Orpingtons are all very beautiful
They do get large, if u check out the Orpington Threads you will see some very BIG BIRDS. The 3 young ones I have left~still not certain of sex~ The Welsummer & Marans are much easier to tell @ an early age.~ I am hoping to see yours sometime after July 4th Holiday~Have a GREAT ONE~
I am not an expert by any means, but I suggest finding another milk source for her. Our food coop sells fresh goats milk
You can also bet mixed fomula. I can't imagine she would get what she needs from the evaporated milk. I am not an expert by any means! She is super cute. I did have a goat growing up, she was an escape artist and very social. She cried outside our bedroom window when she no longer got to cuddle on a beanbag at night to sleep
They are high maintenance puppies LOL.
Mrs. Turbo :

We are fighting them here too... caught 4 so far.

We live in a very predator prone area, but have never lost one on account of our "security system" (German Sheperd, Austrailian Sheperd, and Black Lab) I dont know if you have any dogs, but you may consider getting a few flock dogs like Pyrennese (sp?) to help in the war on 'coons
Raccoons and possums at our place are called the "bad cats", the new fox in residence is the "bad dog". The dogs know what to look for when we tell them. Unfortunately, they don't help much when they're snoring under the bed. My fox leg trap is in the mail. Now, how to set it up.. there's no game trail where it's been hanging out. It's been an absolutely terrible summer for predators. The birds are used to free ranging and they're very cranky.

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