Kentucky people

tmadteb I live in Louisville and would love these also! Let me know if you find them local, especally the araucana, olive egger
The rain is getting me down. And I clearly need to work on my run roof cause I've got some little leaks that are making things just wet enough to be miserable. Glad the coop is dry at least.
Am in louisville, also subscribe to this thread, so ill be watching for y'all. xo
I know the feeling.
I have a lot of mud in the high traffic areas.
I put some straw down late last night after locking up the coops.
This morning after letting the chickens out to free range, they immediately began scratching through all the nice straw I had laid down.

So it's back to walking in the mud.
We have gotten 4 inches of rain since Thursday. I am so sick of it. Where was all this rain over the summer when we actually needed it?

I'm going to have to buy some pine shavings for the hen house. I have a huge round bale of hay, but it is too wet to be useful at this point.
At least there is no rain in our forecast for tomorrow or the rest of the week after more rain today and tonight.

Maybe we'll dry out before I wish I had ducks instead of chickens!
Been trying to fence for extra pens for the little ones. They are some I hatched out in November, yes I know it was a terrible time of year but I got anxious. The mud is terrible to even try to walk in to do the feeding. Three separate pens and rabbit hutches have made the common area a mess! Wish the ground would freeze or something!
Anyone in KY raise Jersey Giants? I just got 4 blue giants and I am thinking I want to start breeding these but I need to add some blacks. Don't really want to go to hatchery stock.
Sounds like it IS going to freeze, from the forecast here - 20s, starting tonight. And THAT combination always worries me for my birds: wet + cold.
Hello everyone! I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm in's between Paducah and Murray. Don't have any chickens just yet, but will be ordering soon. I'm so excited...or should I say, eggcited, lol!

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