Kentucky people

So what kind(s) of chickens will you be ordering??

Hi in Benton! What breed or breeds have you picked?

My husband's family used to live in Benton!
I second AlienChick's question. Tell us what you're getting! :)

Hello! Thank you!

If I go through a hatchery I'm thinking of ordering some EEs, an Australorp and Wyandotte. There's one breeder I had contacted though that has BCMs, Sussex, Ameraucanas and SFHs, so I may be going through them. I can only have like 5 chickens where I'm at and I'm still trying to make up my mind exactly what I want, lol!
All I gotta say is you will love the gentleness and awesome egg laying of the Australorps!
You will enjoy the nice colored eggs from the EE's or Ameraucanas.
You will love the beauty of the BCM roosters and the dark eggs of the hens.
Not sure which Sussex you are thinking of (Light, Speckled, or Coronation). I'm pretty partial to the Light Sussex because I like the contrast of the black/white colors.
I've never owned the other breeds you listed; maybe one day.
Do you have ice down your way? Driving was very tricky this mid morning. Winter weather is part of my job and sometimes it's very hard to get into some places. In town we had some sleet and some snow,the wind would freeze it as soon as we could get it melted.
Yea,and talking a chance of t storms tue and in the sixties. It's been very odd weather for the last three years. About the time the river clears up and you plan a trip for sauger we get four inches of rain. My coops and runs are covered and I don't let them out on nasty days,they don't like that either.

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