Kentucky people

I'm in Shepherdsville and a new owner to 6 Rhode Island Reds, they are about 12 weeks old or so.. I picked them up at TSC... I would love to get some more but wanted to start small..
Hi Katcynth!
Getting some RIR in June to add to my layer coop! Let me know if you want some extra girls. Ordered more than I needed for the minimum and you are very close by. Also ordered some Barred Rock girls.
Hi Katcynth!
Getting some RIR in June to add to my layer coop! Let me know if you want some extra girls. Ordered more than I needed for the minimum and you are very close by. Also ordered some Barred Rock girls.

I'm not sure I'm ready for more at the moment.. lol.. still trying to break my dog of wanting to eat them! I think she's playing with them but she likes to put them in her mouth! I hate that minimum rule, I understand it in a way but still a pain in the butt! Thank you tho for the offer!
Hi everyone I am in Ballard county Ky this is my 1st year raising chicks we have 22 buff orphingtons
Hello, I am right next door to you in Carlisle county. I only have 2 Orpingtons (cheated a bit and bought some older birds so I could start getting eggs), 8 other mixed chickens, 4 ducks and 2 guinea keets. First year raising them also. Where are you buying your feed?
Hi, neighbor! I'm expecting a baby human anytime, but after things settle down, I'd be interested in some pf your lav. orps! I love my buff orps.
Shakerag is in north Hopkins County in case you missed it, which is easy to do!

My brother lives on Shake Rag Rd! He's the trooper with a bunch of dogs & boat! He's a jerk so don't hold that against me! Lol

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