Kentucky people

Does anyone have gooseberry bushes that I could get a few slips from to start my own? Or know anywhere fairly local that I could purchase some from? I live in Bracken County. The local Southern States said that none of their suppliers handled them so they couldn't help me.
I know Stark Bros(Fruit Nursery in Missouri) carries them. But I've not seen anyone in Northern Kentucky with them. I know they fell out of popularity in most places around the turn of the 20th century as other fruits became popular. So its likely that you would have to go to someone like Stark to get them.
I know Stark Bros(Fruit Nursery in Missouri) carries them.  But I've not seen anyone in Northern Kentucky with them.  I know they fell out of popularity in most places around the turn of the 20th century as other fruits became popular.  So its likely that you would have to go to someone like Stark to get them.

Thank you. I know that Indiana Berry Co. carries them too, but was hoping to find them locally. I have noticed that many people have not even heard of them. My grandmother had them when I was a little girl, but those bushes are long gone.
Gooseberries are susceptible to many diseases. There are better varieties now, but you might want to do a little research on soil requirements for best growth. Healthy plants resist disease better.

USDA banned the growing of gooseberries in the early 1900's. They believed it was a host for pine blister rust. As with most such things the truth was more complex.
Gooseberries are susceptible to many diseases. There are better varieties now, but you might want to do a little research on soil requirements for best growth.
Healthyplants resist disease better.

USDA banned the growing of gooseberries in the early
1900's. They believed it was a host for pine blister rust. As with most such things the truth was more complex.

Interesting reading. I believe I have a place or two for them. And gooseberries love nitrogen... so chicken fertilizer would be a good fit as well. Thank you for the link.
Hi folks from very cold Central Maine! My computer is giving me hissy fits, and I can't PM right now, so if any one can contact Kentucky Mom for me and let her know that St Lawrence Nurseries does carry Pixwell variety of Goose berries, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

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