Kentucky people

Mojo Chick'n :


Baby cow is doing well.

I am down to about 16 chicks in the brooder coop - and am thinking of emptying it (taking them all to Sano Friday) so I can clean the thing totally then I can put the chicks that I am getting into it at two weeks old. The problem won't be keeping them warm, but keeping them cool enough - that coop gets up to 100+ degrees very easily in the daytime. Might have to close it up at evening time to hold the heat in, but they ought to be fine out there.

Oh, my one BO girl laid her first egg this morning
I have another one who is getting red faced and looking like she wants to lay, too.

I have a coon trying to dig into Mr. Speckles' coop - I keep filling the hole and he keeps digging it out again. If it hadn't have rained yesterday the cement would already be in place - hope things dry out a bit today so I can fix it before tonight. If not I'll just pile a bunch of big rocks there temporarily - I got lots of rocks

Oh, the gentleman who came over yesterday for chicks was the head of Science and Engineering at WKU, and he said I could have Jon or Sam call him about some advice on college, and WKU in particular. That was very nice of him, I thought. I think Jon is still trying to make a deal to move to Michigan, but he might not be able to just yet, so he needs to do SOMETHING. (he wants to eventually go to Lake Superior State, I told him he was nuts - it gets WAY colder up there than it does down in Grand Rapids where he is used to the winter).

Oddly enough I am less stiff this morning than I was yesterday morning - maybe Falling on my Butt put something back into place
I expected to be hurting this morning, but my back feels better than it has in awhile. go figure


I'm glad to see that your BO girls are starting to lay..I assume they are the ones you got from me??​
You don't need one if you have less than quail and they are for your own use. If you sell them or their eggs you have to have a permit. You can contact the game warden and find out how to get one. I believe they are $75 for either a year or a couple of years, not sure.

ETA: But you don't need one to have coturnix, that's why I went with them.
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kysilkies, you gotta give us some warning when you post pics of such evil cuteness. Yes silkies are evil, they will steal your soul!
Of my two white silkies that I have the smaller one always comes running to me, and lets me hold her and cuddle with her. The rest of the babies kinda scatter, I'll just have to spend more time with them, I quess.

I will be getting some new real estate listings on foreclosed homes shortly, and supposedly they will have amongst them some that have some land with them. I may just get my farm after all.
Yeah, they must be, since the other girl was younger.

btw - I'm sorry I never got over to your house this last week, I got so busy I totally forgot

This week is gonna be nuts, too - Jon comes home tomorrow (with his friend and his friend's mom - they are staying a couple days) and I have to go to Shelleys thursday to pick up eggs (and hit Day & Day and hopefully my turner will be there by then.) Friday is Sano and I may get to rest Saturday before I have to go get Sammy on Monday morning at the bus stop when he comes home.

lately I live for rainy Days - so I can slow down a little and not have to be constantly outside working.

We got invited to a party at the neighbors saturday (for the 4th, they even had a live band, sounded good - was the neighbor's band) anyway - we managed to show up late and stay an hour, and then had to go home and do chores. I'd have loved to have hung out to hear the band some more, but no time...

I think we're postponing until later in the fall when it cools off a bit. I think that's what I heard last

It's been so hot and muggy, it'd be much more comfortable if we wait a little to have it.

Well, we got the concrete put around the areas the coon was digging - hopefully it will be dry enough to deter him tonight. It's so humid even the concrete doesn't want to dry

I'm thinking of putting concrete all the way down that side of the coops - but I only had one bag today, so I'll pick up another couple bags on thursday to mix up and put down there. I got the critical areas, for now (I hope).

Heard the coyotes really loud earlier, but they passed on by, and didn't linger, thankfully.

Supposedly the humidity is gonna break tomorrow afternoon - I certainly hope so!! Gonna be muggy still in the morning, but by evening it's supposed to be down to like 39% or so.

I seen a posing somewhere for silkies. Maybe craigslist in Lexington. I have several but I dont know if any of them are buff. I have white, partridge, and black. I also have a sizzle that is like a light red. I had not thought of selling any but I guess at some point I am going to have to. Here is a pix of my sizzle. And boy is she a mean momma. Wont let me near them.
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Mojo Chick'n :

I think we're postponing until later in the fall when it cools off a bit. I think that's what I heard last

It's been so hot and muggy, it'd be much more comfortable if we wait a little to have it.


Yes..we was your!!!​

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