Kentucky people

Mojo Chick'n :


I've been getting more and more pullet eggs lately. It's always nice when they start to lay.

btw -
Mr. Feathers is a Manly Man
While the other three cockerels hang out together, Mr. Feathers has all the girls following him. He's a very good roo - I hope you can have him back with your girls.


Aww, I love hearing about Feathers. We still miss him. That meeting was luckily not about chickens. I think we will be fine as long as we stick to pullets/hens. I would love to take that big guy back but I just don't want to upset the status quo now that our neighbors seem to actually like that we have chickens. I will talk to David about it some more. Your crew looks really happy, those cochins are beautiful!

I mentioned chickenstock to David yesterday (have to build it up gradually) and he seemed interested by the idea so I might actually be able to convince him to make the drive. I'll keep working on him.
Uggh, I am stalling right now. The inlaws are coming in tonight and I have to get this house straight. I don't know why they always have to come in the weekend before school starts. I am a crazy person this week. And then, just to give a couple of days notice... well, like I said I better stop stalling and get working.​

I've been getting more and more pullet eggs lately. It's always nice when they start to lay.

btw -
Mr. Feathers is a Manly Man
While the other three cockerels hang out together, Mr. Feathers has all the girls following him. He's a very good roo - I hope you can have him back with your girls.


Aww, I love hearing about Feathers. We still miss him. That meeting was luckily not about chickens. I think we will be fine as long as we stick to pullets/hens. I would love to take that big guy back but I just don't want to upset the status quo now that our neighbors seem to actually like that we have chickens. I will talk to David about it some more. Your crew looks really happy, those cochins are beautiful!

I mentioned chickenstock to David yesterday (have to build it up gradually) and he seemed interested by the idea so I might actually be able to convince him to make the drive. I'll keep working on him.
Uggh, I am stalling right now. The inlaws are coming in tonight and I have to get this house straight. I don't know why they always have to come in the weekend before school starts. I am a crazy person this week. And then, just to give a couple of days notice... well, like I said I better stop stalling and get working.


I would have snapped some pics of Feathers today, but he was hiding out with a couple of barred rock girls somewhere. I think they were back in the run (which is silly, since the door is wide open for them to go to the shade under the trees with everyone else.)

OK is quail eggs suppose to hatch in 18 days. I dont think I wrote the date wrong???
I was about to give up on them, so I opened 2. 1 definately quite a while back.

But the other I opened was still breathing. I felt awful. It was teeny tiny. So I left the rest just maybe they will hatch. I misted them with warm water.
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Either I need to get rid of my dog, or I need some kind of fence around her. She killed and (mostly) ate one of Cristian's silkies today, I was sooooo mad!! Omg, I could just beat her to death!!

So now we're down to 2 hens and 5 chicks. 3 of the 5 chicks look like roos.
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I would consider re-homing her..once they get a taste they are unstoppable.
I can help with replacement Silkies any time you are ready.

You'd better come to the chickenstock!!
I don't know how I'd be able to get to your house
We just got word that my aunt will be bringing my dad's new truck down on the 21st!!!
Finally, no more begging people to take me places!
And it is a club-cab (crew-cab?) S10, it has the little fold-down seats in the back.
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Yes, we've been doing really well this weekend. Ron sold several of his watches. We also sold our Ent center and china cabinet I've been listing on Craigslist and GoLSN for the last 2 months. And we sold lots of small stuff. We have a floor console tv with swivel base we are practically giving away at 25.00 works great with clear pic, but no one wants a big bulky tv anymore. Told hubby we can donate to Goodwill if we don't sell it, then his dad came out today and said he'd put it in his cabin if it doesn't sell. I brought 3 aquariums to sell and have sold one so far, a small 8 gal one for 10.00 then theres a 5-7 gal one I priced at 5.00 cause it isn't cleaned up and is missing part of the cover. Then I still have my NanoCube that I have priced for 50.00 for tank and stand and everything it needs. First customer that offered to buy the NanoCube I turned down cause I'm not gonna just give it away thats an expensive set up and the only thing it needs is a new ballast... They asked me if I'd take 20.00 for it, I told them I'd rather keep it. Today someone that actually knew what a NanoCubes purpose is offered 40.00 but didn't have any spending money left, so I told them if I still had it when they came back I would let them have it for 40.00 otherwise I could care less whether I sell it or not, I will bring it home get a new ballast and set it up with a bunch of pretty guppys.
wow, what a day.

I got up at 7 AM and have not quit running since (til now, finally).

Did chores, talked to Tony (he stopped by on his way to do his chores) and then we took off to the family reunion. Got home from that and sat down for 15 minutes, then got back int he truck and ran to get hay. Got home from that and it was time to feed calves, so we did that, then Tony and Debbie showed up with those chickens, and then finished chores, then sat on the porch for a half hour, then made dinner. I just got done eating dinner

I still have to feed and water chicks in the hatchery room.

Ok, chickens I got today ....

I got a buff orp roo - he's a snitty little cuss, so he goes for sale. Got two EE - no idea if they are girls or boys, wasn't time to check them out that closely. Got (I think) 6 mille fleur babies - look to be a month old or so, and three bantam cochins - one is a blue, might be a roo, the other two are buff, might be columbian buff - also need to check them over closer.

I am so tired and wiped out!! Almost said forget dinner, and went to bed instead of eating.

Plus, we never got the hay unloaded, so I have a trailer hooked to the truck and both truck and trailer are loaded with hay, that will get damp tonight cause of the dew, so it'll have to dry out a little tomorrow before we can put it in the barn. (after we clean the barn, of course

I never went to Sano friday - was too busy and it was too hot out.

What, no Silkies?
Hope you get a chance to catch your breath, sounds like you need a vacation!

I got called back to work at Wally World, I started back on Saturday and it's the week before school starts!
I don't get the 10% discount until November because of a change in policy by corporate. But at least it will come in just before the holidays!

I have to make sure that I request September 19th off for the Chickenstock at ShelleyD's. Sounds like it's going to be a real barn burner of a picnic!

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