Kentucky people

Well the van is fixed again. They will take the money off the balance after I make the September payment. Let's hope nothing else goes wrong with it.

I picked up a white New Zealand yearling buck tonight off Craigslist for free. However two of my does and two of my bucks are brothers and sisters, so I can't breed them together. I haven't put the Dutch doe with a buck yet but will this week, as well as put the brown doe with the white buck and see what we get. These will probably be the last breedings for this year I'll have to build some new cages and a shelter for them for the winter. I may breed the two sisters back to their father and see what they throw before I breed them to an outside buck. Guess I'll have to get two more does for the two brothers.

It looked like one of the silkie eggs had started to pip earlier, so hopefully I'll have some more silkie babies.
Can anyone help me? I know nothing about trees, and am hoping that some of you do

We finally have the 'ragweed field' mowed (east side of the barn, for those of you who've been here; between barn and pasture). I am wanting to get some dog kennels for Baby, Midget, and Cutie Pie. Midget and Cutie Pie will be together, and Baby by herself.

Anyway, that part of the 'yard' is always overgrown with weeds, so I figured, why not put the dogs there?

One problem, there is NO SHADE!! None whatsoever.

So I am trying to decide what type of trees to get for shade. I know that, whatever I choose, I'll have to use shade cloth or whatnot at first, but I am wanting to get something that is a relatively fast grower, but something that is not going to keel over in 10 or so years. Of course, it also needs to be non-toxic, so it won't kill the dogs if they decide to eat the 'fruit' from it.

I was thinking of the Royal Empress, but I have read that these can be invasive, their wood is hollow, and basically they are not a good choice. Of course, the only thing they would be able to fall on there would be the fence or the dogs, but we don't want that to happen!

Here is a link to the Arbor Day Foundation's Tree Wizard, in which I have entered the requirements of growing conditions and such. Please check this out and tell me which you think would be best

I would like to get some that are 'flowering' or 'ornamental' if at all possible, instead of just another tree in the yard

ETA: If you would like to search on your own, it would need to be something that does well in clay soil and full sun. You all know how our weather is here, so it would also be good if it were drought and flood resistant.
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You might want to look at a White Paper Birch, Red Maple, or the Dogwoods. These are all relatively quick growers, are somewhat drought tolerant. You might also consider a Crepe Myrtle.

To add some screening around the kennels to help block the wind and rain, consider placing Privet Hedges along the outside of the runs. For added interest you could plant Lilacs on the corners of the pens.

No matter what you decide on you will have to amend the clay soil to break it up so that the roots can spread out and and allow the water to drain properly so as to not drown the tree or shrub.
Well, "Old Blue" came back yet again (three strikes, he's out).

I went down to feed the quail that are in a cage in George's coop, and there he was - he had eaten about three quail and couldn't get back out of the cage cause he was too fat. Sadly, it was "off with his head" time. I gave him two chances to go somewhere else - he just knew where the smorgasbord was, I guess.

That's why I painted the end of his tail - I wanted to make sure it was the same snake and not three dif snakes. Would hate to kill one without giving it a chance to move along peacefully. Seems like it took him about two days each time to make his way back to the coops.

That sucks, really it does, because I like snakes. He was just doing his "snake" thing, not hurting anyone but getting a meal for himself

But, if it's a choice between him and my chickens/eggs/quail then he loses.

what a bummer morning

Howdy y'all...This is to inform everyone that I am selling ALL my chicken's. I have a little bit of everything...oeg's...laying hen's...cochin's...LF and bantam...chick's of all type's...3 week's to 3 month's old or older...I will make a list with price's shortly...These are nice chicken's, I just don't have time to mess with them right now...
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Here is the list of bird's fer sell ...OEG'S...1 pair of black...20.00...1 pair of fawn...25.00....2 white oeg pullet's...10.00 each...1 barred roo...5.00...1 blue cochin roo...5.00...1 mottled cochin roo...5.00...bantam hen's???...7.00 each...1 white black tail japanese pullet...4 silver laced wyandotte's...2 pullet's and 2 roo's...20.00 for all of em...Chick's are 3 week's to 3 month's or older...Large fowl and bantam cochin chick's, 3 delaware's...3.00 each... and 1 guinea keet...3.00 and some I can't me if anyone is interested...Peace...
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I have a question for y'all. It seems a laying age hen sells in KY for about $10 give or take a few. Does this go down much if they are crossbred? I know it depends on where and who's buying but as a rule do crossbred layers sell for same or less than pure. A racoon finished off all my hens and I have scrapped my goat barn as a chicken coop. I am now using an empty section in my pigeon loft. I do have one BO hen with her 4 half EE chicks (thank goodness I penned her up in a rabbit hutch). So I am trying to decide if I should get a few EE hens so I can raise EE's or just get what I like and have cool looking barnyard mixes. I am not out to make money selling chickens but if I am going to breed some I might as well be able to sell the excess for the going price.
I believe (could very well be wrong) that an EE (blue or green egg) mixed with a brown egg layer will produce an Olive Egger.

Personally, I don't sell my mixes for the price of pures. You may get that price where you are, however. It mostly depends on if it is a Pretty bird or a butt ugly one. Many folks don't care about pure bred - but most want brown egg or colored egg layers, and many, around here, want large breed birds (dual purpose for farm families).

I suggest you just get what you want, and you'll be able to sell the extras - just maybe not for top dollar. I did quite well selling my mutts this year so far. They've paid all my feed bills so far.

I was honest about the mixes on them - that way people don't think you are lying or trying to rip them off, and they'll come back for more birds (instead of telling everyone that you suck).

Last year I ended up with six mixed chicks (very obviously mixed) in a batch of supposedly pure Australorps...I couldn't GIVE them away. I think it most certainly depends on the chicken people in your area. wouldn't dare show up with a mixed breed chicken.
Cindy's been (Cthrash1).

I never have (yet). I would like to go sometime, but probably not this year - got so much to do here at home.

I didn't even go to Sano tonight - too dang hot out there to sit and sell chickens.

But, I do have a guy coming over tomorrow morning to buy a dozen laying hens (and Mr. Speckles) so that made up for it.


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