Kentucky people

I was wondering if anyone was going to the fair. I live almost within walking distance of it (if you're up for a long walk, lol). I have certainly been there but since this is my first year with chickens I wasn't buying anything I just looked at them and went, "wow, maybe I'll get some chickens some day..." I do want to go this year just to look at all the pretty birds.
I have been several times and the Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Pigeons and Rabbits will be there from the 20th through the 23rd. Yes they have a sales section there and you can find most every breed of fowl available. They should be in the Pavillion of the West Wing at the fair grounds. I am going to try and go during that time frame to see what's what.
Mojo Chick'n :

I believe (could very well be wrong) that an EE (blue or green egg) mixed with a brown egg layer will produce an Olive Egger.

Personally, I don't sell my mixes for the price of pures. You may get that price where you are, however. It mostly depends on if it is a Pretty bird or a butt ugly one. Many folks don't care about pure bred - but most want brown egg or colored egg layers, and many, around here, want large breed birds (dual purpose for farm families).

I suggest you just get what you want, and you'll be able to sell the extras - just maybe not for top dollar. I did quite well selling my mutts this year so far. They've paid all my feed bills so far.

I was honest about the mixes on them - that way people don't think you are lying or trying to rip them off, and they'll come back for more birds (instead of telling everyone that you suck).


The good thing about EE's is as long as you have a blue/green egg layer you can cross her with anything and 50% of the babies will lay blue/green eggs. So I think I will get a few more EE hens that way I can sell them honestly as EE's..a mutt that may lay green, blue, pink or any shade of brown egg.​
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Well, long darn day!!!

I am so glad that chores are done (and we actually ate dinner before 9:30 tonight).

I sold 8 of the layer hens today along with Mr. Speckles. Wow, those light brahmas were so heavy!! and Mr. Speckles did NOT want to be caught. They're at a farm up around the corner, so if I ever want to check on him, I can. (same guy who bought my pair of donkeys I had for sale last month.)

I swear each of those hens weighed as much as a gallon of milk - around 9 pounds or so. I still have two light brahmas and two white rocks. The white rocks are gonna go, I may let the light brahmas hang around a bit longer, so I can justify keeping Mr. Feathers, if Moonflowers can't have him back.

I went shopping while hungry today
spent over 100 bucks and all I actually needed was a head of lettuce and a tomato. I did buy some pears, though, so it wasn't all junky stuff
(they'll go good with the beef jerkey).

I'm still not technically done with chores, I can hear quail in the hatchery room complaining for water or food or both.

The quail eggs I got from Shelley this last time didn't hatch out very well, but I don't blame you, Shelley, I think it's just the weather. Last batch of chicken eggs I hatched out didn't do well, either, and those were my own eggs. I still hatched out about half of them, though, so I have another 50 - 60 quail babies. That's plenty, with what I already had.

At this point I feel so overwhelmed, I don't even care
I finally have hubby convinced to let me turn off the last bator and stop hatching for awhile.

well, I'm gonna go watch World Dummest and chill out for awhile. I'm also getting to bed early tonight - I stayed up WAY too late last night.


The incubators are OFF!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!
I do not have to hatch a dang thing for awhile unless it really is something I MUST have, I can stop and kick back, and as soon as the ones in the hatchery room are big enough - out they go, and then I can clean the room and get set up for the next round.

Now, if I were to get me some LF Blue (BBS) cochin eggs at the Chickenstock, they'd have to be turned back on, of course
but until then, maybe I can relax a little.

I am reasonably sure, at this moment, that the only ones I must have in there are the newly hatched quail - the rest can go outside today and I can clean up a little bit.

Seriously, if you saw that room, you'd know why I am so pleased to be able to clean it. I can hardly walk through there, I have to play Twister just to open the freezer door to get something out of it. (you remember that game, right hand blue, left foot yellow...)

Plus, my window exhaust fan took a dump on me (thing isn't that old, just the cheap crap they build nowadays...) so the dust and smell isn't the most pleasant. (quail stink
unless you clean their bin every hour or so. well, maybe not that often, but sheesh!!)

Yippee Skippee!!!


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Get some pine pellets next time you go to the feed store, and mix that in their bedding, they won't stink near as bad. I wish I could turn mine off, but I keep finding eggs that MUST be hatched!! Thankfully, the little bantam cochins are broody again, so at least I don't have theirs now. But the guinea keeps dropping eggs here and there, and I'm still getting an egg from the BTW jap. Oh yeah, and the millie has started laying again.....Hopefully I won't be hatching all winter, I need a break!!
Very tiny, they are basically just pets. They are maybe half as big as the pharoah sized quail, 1/3 or 1/4 as big as the jumbos. They are pretty cute, their eggs look like peanut M&Ms, and they are about the size of a bumblebee when they hatch.
So I getting burned out. I am not putting any more in the incubator. I refuse. I need a break.
So I am feeding yesterday and everywhere I looked I have broodies. I have I think 5 silkie and 2 bantam cochins.

But they are on their own. At least until they hatch. The last time I let my silkies try to raise little ones I found a dead one the next day where they didnt keep up with them.
Everytime my silkies have hatched, I've always had to take the 'pure' silkie chicks away. I guess cause of their feathered feet they can't keep up that well. Though I did have a hen hatch 3 silkie chicks (mixed hen, not sure what she is) and there are still 2 of those here. The other one disappeared.

ETA: My broody count is down to 2
but I think my OEG hen is thinking about it. She keeps spending more and more time in the nest bucket.
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Just got home from hangin with my buddy Bluedog, with my new self blue O.E. pullet.

I've got a nice little self blue O.E. cockeral, that I got in an assortment from Ideal hatchery last spring. Now he's finally got a mate lol!

Now spring is gonna feel like forever away lol!

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