Kentucky people

She is either lacking something is her diet or felt threatned by you. So try to give her a slice of bacon every day for a week before she is due. Then make sure her nest is completely hidden from you. And try to stay out of her cage as much as you can.
Getting closer to production time!!! Barbie did the squat walk up by me today while I was watching them eat their treat. I think she was thanking me for the treat since they didn't get one yesterday.
Hubby's gonna buy me a new stove and refrigerator!!!

I've been needing both for a long time (since before we moved).

Fridge is too small, and old (the seal isn't that great) and the dang stove only has two working burners, and the oven can't be set above 350 degrees or it burns everything on the bottom (it doesn't cycle top to bottom for even baking.)

as much as I love to cook - this is a fantastic thing for me


Silkie Chicks for sale!
Pick up only
I have
buff/black (Mixed color)

All good quality look at pictures of parents and some of the chicks on my page.

Prices range from $3 to $5

There are 11 chicks
8 of them are $3 and are 5-7 days old
3 of them are $5 and are 2-3 months old.
See what I mean?

I decided to let the 'baby' guineas out of their coop for a while today. They were hanging around the coop all morning. I went out there around noon-ish to check on them, and they were nowhere to be found. Of course I freaked, fearing the worst. I started looking everywhere for them, and finally told dad that I didn't know where they were. About that time I heard the distinct 'chitting' sound that only a guinea can make, coming from the woods. I knew the older guineas were by the chicken houses, so this had to be the babies?!! Sure enough, they had wandered into the woods. Pretty smart, imo, it's a lot harder for a hawk to get them there.

Dad and Cris went across the road to the neighbor's house, leaving me to sleep
When they got back, dad decided to be useful and gather eggs out of the building. All 3 of the guinea babies were roosted on top of a quail cage, along with 2 of the 3 chicken chicks that live with them. The other chick, a silkie, was all alone in the chicken house. They are still like this, I haven't decided if I should put the guineas and chicks back in the chicken house or not? What do you all think?
I've never had guineas so I don't know. I now have three new baby silkies, a black, a blue splash, and somehow a buff colored one with a dark stripe down it's back, I don't think it's the last of the mixed because those eggs hatched weeks ago and Liza Jane has been only with my silkie roo and sitting tight since then.

I might be bringing the two Mille Fluer hens and a Trio of OEGBs with me to the chicken stock. I know I'll be bringing at least one black silkie roo with me.
Hello all.

I entered my two Bantam Barred Rocks in the Kentucky State Fair. This is the first time I have ever done anything like this. I don't expect to win. I just did it for the experience.

Does anyone else have chickens at the Fair? Any words of advice? Kind of late for me to ask now since the Judging was Thursday.

I had halfway given both my bantams a bath a couple of days prior but Wednesday before I took them over I let them out to eat some grass for fiber and exercise. And you can guess it... they ended up neck deep in a wallow with fine dirt all over them. Well I washed their feet and got the top dirt off. But I just let them be so that they would be dry with some oil on their feathers. I expect to see a big "D" for "dirty" on their evaluation card.

I saw several pens with Yolanda's chickens and also Shady Hill Farm. They hadn't put many chickens in yet. I quess they were waiting for the last minute. I have been working this week so I haven't had time to do much and the trip over to Louisville took well over 4 hours. An Hour and a half each way plus about an hour there.

I wont be able to get back until Sunday because I work 10 hour nights this week. I get off at 8:00 am Sunday and plan on going over after feeding and taking care of my other chickens.

Speaking of my other chickens, I got my first egg from the Cornish hens today.. That's neat but I have also found that some of the cornish hens have started eating eggs from my Jersey's. That is going to stop one way or another.

My bantam pullet has been laying tiny eggs for about a week and a half now. When she first started she was whinning all the time. She didn't like the first box I put her in so I got a cardboard box about twice the size of the first one and she took to it. She probably laid an egg yesterday and will again tomorrow at the fair. I wonder what will happen to those eggs?

I think those two bantams are more like pets than most of my chickens since I miss having them around.

Hope everyone is doing well.
I was at the State Fair all day yesterday, and studied the chickens a lot. I want you to ISOLATE those two when they get home! I am no expert, but there were several chickens there with funny looking heads (to me) I have some pics, but have not uploaded them yet. Both bantam and LF. They all belonged to the same man. I have shown at the Fair several times, and have not had any trouble, but this year I would be worried. I did not see anyone but the judge to complain to, and he was busy with an assistant judging and you are not allowed to talk to him. In one pen of for sale birds, there was a runny nose and puffy cheeks and in one area there was a foul (fowl?) smell. I did not buy anything, just was not sure of them. I have bought guineas there before with no problems. I'll try to post the pics, I know you are supposed to isolate them anyway, just be extra careful
Thanks for the heads up Lotzahenz, I plan on looking everything over on Sunday when I get there prior to the fair allowing birds to leave. I think I will get a quarenteen set up for them sometime prior to going over there to pick them up.

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