Kentucky people

Well, I don't need chicks, and hubby would have a hissy if I paid for chicks (but I can hatch my own without him complaining

so I'll just grab a few eggs out of the nests and see what comes out of them. I know the Orps are laying, but they are probably bred by the Love Bandit - so they'd be mutts (Poor Bubba tries to get in there, but Gump chases him off - I can't wait to put them into their own coops so I get some pure eggs).

I'll just toss in a few this weekend - Estpr13 (don't know your real name
sorry) is bringing me some bantam BR eggs to try (he's not sure if they are fertile or not) I can toss in some fo my own eggs, too, so I'll have a few to play with.

I don't want a lot of babies (I'll have to find buyers for them down the road), just some fluffies to cuddle

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I was told by someone else that those were SLW. I didn't think so, ours was more speckled and black/yellow as a chick. It will be interesting to see what they are!
I think only two are BR - a lot of EE, though, not sure what the white ones are, but one looks like a buff orp, maybe.

no polish, no feather legs or poofy heads, just regular chickens.

some of the black and silver ones might be what Cindy said - cause they don't look like anything I've seen yet.

Mojo Chick'n :

I think only two are BR - a lot of EE, though, not sure what the white ones are, but one looks like a buff orp, maybe.

no polish, no feather legs or poofy heads, just regular chickens.

some of the black and silver ones might be what Cindy said - cause they don't look like anything I've seen yet.


The ones that are brown with stripes could be brown leghorns, unless they have puffy cheeks
not all of the EE's I had had puffy cheeks, when I had those 6 - only one or two of them did, so puffy cheeks doesn't necesarily mean EE - but the white ones have pink legs.


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Shelly Is all this rain(at least its raining in Tn) going to affect the chickenstock this weekend? Will the field be to wet to get in and out of. Just wondering.I know I have been to a few Amish auctions that were in fields and by the time several vehicals went thru it was a quamire. Still hoping to be able to come. If I do I will have a trio black cochin bantams,some parlor rolles and not for sure what else.
so far it hasn't rained too much here - looked like it all day today, but no rain. We had a little bit yesterday, but not much. I am hoping we'll get missed by most of it (even though we need rain, it can wait til after saturday!!)

Here in Adair county, we often get bypassed by much of the weather that hits the rest of the state pretty hard.

I guess God just loves us best

We haven't gotten any rain here in quite some time, I doubt it would affect it too much. The pond is down by about 3 feet so far, so the ground is pretty dry.
If it was about the shirt, check your spam box. I've sent you emails as has Teresa and Ronnie. Ronnie says he already has the shirt made, if you are planning on coming to the chickenstock he will bring it along and you can pay for it there.
I just want to inform y'all, that I am gonna bring a little bit of everything to Chickenstock
jumpy.gif What is NOT allowed? I hope it don't rain.
So I will check the list and see what I can bring...No cooked food...

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