Kentucky people

yeah, Florida is too flat, too much wind for me and I'm not overly fond of cockroaches the size of my hand and I'm not that fond of the ocean, to be honest.

In KY we get wind half the year (winter) but where I live I have tons of trees and hills - I love it here

But... to each their own

I miss Florida too. Wish I was there right now. Wish I had never left. I wish my wish would come true. I hate it here. The weather sucks and there is way too much drama for me. My blood pressure is up now. When I lived in Florida, I took 1 pill a day and it was for acid reflux. Now, i'm taking 7. I have high blood pressure and can't sleep either. I'm only here because my grandsons need somebody to watch over them.
I miss Florida too. Wish I was there right now. Wish I had never left. I wish my wish would come true. I hate it here. The weather sucks and there is way too much drama for me. My blood pressure is up now. When I lived in Florida, I took 1 pill a day and it was for acid reflux. Now, i'm taking 7. I have high blood pressure and can't sleep either. I'm only here because my grandsons need somebody to watch over them.

I moved here for a variety of reasons, number 1 being that I had no family in Florida. I only have my dad here, and let me tell you, there are many times I could do without that relationship!! At least I had friends in Florida, and was able to 'do something' if I felt like it. All I do here is stay home, and if I do go anywhere, it's normally to the grocery or feed store. It's so boring! I've been considering moving back to Florida, but I don't know. I'd have to start all over again, and I really hate starting over! When I was younger, yeah, but now I just want to stay put. I really wish I hadn't moved back here, for some reason I thought it'd be better

A friend of mine that still lives there posted on her facebook yesterday. She told everyone to remember to take bottles of water with them trick-or-treating, cause it was so hot....I wish!! We practically had to take blankets!
I have decided to sell my old english...trio of white...50.00...trio of black...35.00...pair of red pyle...25.00...pair of crele...25.00...young pair of BB red...20.00 and a spangled rooster...10.00. These are really nice oeg's...send e-mail if anyone is interested...Thank's...
i feel like i am interupting a personal conversation on this posting. i remember we were on a party line (telephone that is) when i was a kid, i feel i am listening in as i did then some. figure it up, i am in my fifties, our party line was gone by the mid 60s i guess.

anyway, i was wondering if any kentuckians ever share a baby chick order from a hatchery? i thought splitting an order would allow me to have 1 or 2 of more varieties.

stuck in an urban backyard,

We have shared gosling orders before, I'm sure you could get someone to share a chick order. I don't know about now but you could try! And just jump right into the conversation, there's nothing private here
I have a young hen that i've been trying to sell. I don't know what oeg she is but that she is oeg. She should be around 6 months old by now. I can provide a pic if anybodyis interested. I may have an American Onagadori cockreal too soon. Waiting for them to get a little older to know for sure. Have more in the bator now. Last of the season.

I thought I would post this with yours since they are oeg's for the oeg lovers out there.
previously: We have shared gosling orders before, I'm sure you could get someone to share a chick order. I don't know about now but you could try! And just jump right into the conversation, there's nothing private here

yeah, i didn't mean right now. i am looking forward to spring already. time passes faster as we get older, except for winter. i guess that means good weather really picks up speed.

farrier! :

If last year is any indicator now is the time to order for spring or you will not get what you would like!

You may not get what you want ordering at this time though because most of the hatcheries are finished with a lot of the chicks til Feb at least... Last year 2008 I ordered mine the end of Feb and they came the first week of March, course due to the PO I lost almost all of that batch so Ideal reshipped my ordered minus the survivors.​
WOOHOO!!! Boy did my girls get quite the treat today!! I saw a little mouse tunnel that went under the plastic doghouse bottom(been using the bottom half for dustbathing bin) in their run. so I pick up the bin and lo and behold there sit a mouse... Well it got away
. Then I was about to set it back down and noticed a little pile of leaves, so I thought, "What the heck, I'll check" and guess what... The motherload of all motherloads of pinkys... There were enough baby mice to feed all my girls(but Liberty was on the nest so I don't think she got out in time). I was tossing and they were grabbing. I must say I have some VERY pleased girls right now. Even as puny as Cleo has been feeling she got her one too. I think BC got 2 the little piggy.

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