Kentucky people

Ok...yes there is an picky gland that sometimes can become impacted (full). The two nonsense get theirs cleaned whenever they get groomed. So a trip to the vets may cure her scooting. Remember that it will take awhile to see results on the food.
This post must have gotten edited because when I opened the email to read the post there where 2 words that are different than what it has here in the site.

Anyway, I know what you mean. I was thinking to try the different food for about a week. It should be in her system by then and the stinky air should start to vanish
Obviously the PBP pellets are best for her, but you can give her treats. Anything that would be 'good' for you (fruits and veggies) would be good for her to snack on.

PBP babies are so cute!
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" Fat and Slow " funny:

A better quality food should help also watch what treats you feed them too.

The only treats I give her are the beggen strips and she gets one every other day or so. I was giving her one a day but thought it may be those doing it but I pretty much killed that theory because it's been a few days now and she still has gas. I will try her on the different brands. I'll be going this weekend to by chicken feed and i'll get a small bag of one of the other name brand foods to see how that works. Right now, i'm keeping my daughters dog for her till their house gets ready to move into and it seems my dog is trying to hoard all the food. Between the cat and my dog, her dog hardly gets to eat. They will clean the bowls empty and I have to fill Kitty's bowl and stand guard to keep my dog and cat out of it because Kitty will just move out of their way and let them have it. She is such a spoiled dog and very sweet. My dog is too but she is more than twice her size and this is her domain so she has to do something to be "in control" over Kitty. They get along just great. No food aggression just greediness over it.

Anyway. I will try other brands. I ws also told a dog has a glad around the anus area that will bother the dog if it backs up or fills up and it has to be squeezed. Is this true? May this be why she scoots her butt on the floor because she don't have worms or there are none in her stool anyway. Her gums are pink which means no worms if i'm correct.
I really don't want to be squeezing on that area of the dog. I watched one of the Dirty Jobs shows where a groomer squeezed a dogs rear end and this horrid smelly liquid shot out. I'm hoping thats not what her butt scooting is.

They do have glands that have to be squeezed, so that could be the problem with the butt rubbing. Any groomer knows how to do it. Good luck finding something for your problem
shelleyd2008 wrote:
Jen4 wrote:

Do any of you own a potbelly pig and if so what do you feed it... our potbelly piglet, Porkchop is 7 weeks old and would rather eat fuzz off the carpet, couch, your clothes than her mini piggy pellets.

Obviously the PBP pellets are best for her, but you can give her treats. Anything that would be 'good' for you (fruits and veggies) would be good for her to snack on.

PBP babies are so cute!​

Thanks Shelley. I'll be glad when she actually likes her piggy pellets. I think their so cute too.​
My Mom showed Irish Setters when I was growing up. She'd have to take the males to the vet to have their anus glands squeezed. Nasty business. We bought the dogs some Fit and Trim (Purina) from TSC. The dogs are rolling their eyes at us but the cats think it's deeleeesh.
My Olive Eggers finally started laying last week. What was I thinking? Them's some ugly eggs! I'll probably sell the girls first thing next year.

So... hey Turbos... Are you going to be home Thanksgiving weekend or showing? I need to come pick up the glw and the splash roo. Maybe I'll leave those Columbian banties in your laundry hamper while I'm at it. They hang under my bedroom window when I'm sleeping and crow like Alvin and the chipmunks. Of course DH thinks it's hilarious.

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I love the EE eggs. Most people I know don't. Thats why I sold my whole flock of EE's I have chicks I hatched out of theirs. I imagine i'll sell them too when they get older. I have a hard time letting go of favorites. Two of the EE's where favorites. They would love to get petted and cuddled. From time to time they chose not to but mostly they did. I could reach right down and just pick them up.

We'll have to see about getting that gland seen to.
It's got to be uncomfortable and it would be awful if she managed to get it "emptied out" on my carpet during one of her butt rubs.
I will see all of you at Tim and Susies tomorrow. Not that I have much to sell..but a friend of mine wants to go so I am going with her. I may go through my Silkie collection today and see if there is anyone I don't want to keep for next Springs breeding season.

I had to bring one of them in last night. I noticed that when I fed them she was just wandering around with her head down. It looked like she couldn't see. I held her up and could not see her eyes at She has such a big "poof" that her eyes were completely covered. I trimmed her down a bit and she will be spending the Winter indoors. I may have to take her to the Brownsville show in! I will most certainly be pairing her with my best Roo.

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