Kentucky people

I have the light timed to come on a 3:00am. We usually get off of work at this time so it is always a joke to see if we can get home before the chooks wake. lol
I use a chick brooder lamp shield with a 75 watt bulb. But this is in a large coop also. If you have an 8x8 coop, a 40 watt should suffice. Try to have the light come on to wake them up. If it is set to turn off in the evening, there might be a chance of birds being caught off of their roost and stuck spending the night huddled in a corner.
A few years ago, when I learned of the 14 hour trick, I spent a lot of money on a greenhouse bulb to light the birds. Belatedly, I learned that the spectrum of light needed to stimulate laying was the warm end of the light spectrum. Pulled a generic soft light bulb from the hall closet- and I was in business.

mine too took a nose dive. I need some info on the light thing,I understand the timer but what kind of bulb do you use and for how long. I don't want any heat in the house so i am having a hard time with how much light. Does it just need to be "not dark" for a few more hours. Do you do yours a m or p m thanks
Mine minded Thursday and Friday. They mostly all stayed in the coop. Even the peacocks that normally roost 20 feet up in a tree joined them in the coop and spent the night there. I increased their feed and gave them extra protein. I've been getting about a dozen a day from the 31 layers.
Thank you for the info. I have the light in tonite and set for 4 a m. I may have to back up a bit tomorrow. Mine are coming out of molt also so that doesn't help.
Hey Local-ish peeps! I am asking for a favor. I am looking for a source for larger eggs. I am thinking Peacock, Emu, Ostrich??? I just need to use them for a meeting on Feb 9th. Our 4H kids will be studying eggs and I wanted a few larger ones to show them. I will make them "hands off" and return them promptly.... I just thought it would be neat for them to see instead of just different color chicken eggs :)

Pls msg me, email me.... I can pickup within a reasonable distance from Lexington. Thanks!! :)

Sounds like a great idea, Beth.
Wish I had some LARGE eggs to give ya.
I'm sure someone on here has the larger fowl eggs.


Hey Local-ish peeps! I am asking for a favor. I am looking for a source for larger eggs. I am thinking Peacock, Emu, Ostrich??? I just need to use them for a meeting on Feb 9th. Our 4H kids will be studying eggs and I wanted a few larger ones to show them. I will make them "hands off" and return them promptly.... I just thought it would be neat for them to see instead of just different color chicken eggs :)
Pls msg me, email me.... I can pickup within a reasonable distance from Lexington. Thanks!! :)
I have a couple peafowl, but they aren't laying right now. Its emu season as I understand it and I've seen some in Buffalo, but.. The only other thing I can think of is Whole Foods. I have seen ostrich eggs there.
Howdy again all,
My 2011 BR roo has now decided to become mean. He has attacked Myself, my wife and my 3 year old daughter all from behind. So we will be having chicken dumplings Sunday. So does anyone out there have a nice roo they are looking to rehome or sell? I live in green co, work in hardin co. Also Does anyone think that single roos are more prone to me mean? They say roos become mean because they think people are other roos so if you had two roos would they worry about the other roo instead of people? Any thoughts? I have 10 free ranging large breed hens in a 8X16 shed so I dont know why he would feel threatened.

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