Kids can be so gross! Are yours?

A man I work with didn't get married untill he was in his early 30's. He was raised by a very strick step mom and was a clean freak. When he would have the guys over to watch sports he would have the dust duster cleaning crumbs off the floor and couch from the guys eating chips. Well he married a woman with three small children. They were living with their dde during the dating but came to live with them when they got married. He came to work freaked out everyday by what the kids did to his house. He followed them around with a bottle of spray cleaner and a rag for the first year and then gave up. He was horrified that " they pick their nose and wipe it on the wall!" All of us parents were like ya we know.

That's a lot of socks.
I was talking to a young mom and her school age little boy at the little mom and pop store I work at on Monday aft. and she was talking about how hard it was having two little boys some days. (I had made a remark to her about how she probably slept good at night, and she just smiled and nodded and sort of rolled her eyes all at the same time! Hee hee) and I told her that with four daughters, 7 gdd's and 3 gs's and a son, I would take boys over girls somedays, just because they don't have drama. Girls just get soooooooo dramatic about everything, but little boys scrapple, get over it and go onto the next things. Girls can drag something on for weeks at a time if you let them. Little boys don't have trouble with picking out their clothes, or how their hair looks or what their friends are going to say about smething. Little boys are dirty, smelly, and boogery but I have seen little girls do the same things . . .plus one of my gd's was sticking her gum under my bar until I caught her and had a cow. I gag over dried gum stuck on stuff.
That is as bad as snot and boogers!!
Oh its on and you started it....

My almost 21 yo son is a gas bag.... on command I might add, he thinks its funny now! and the retching up of snot when he is brushing his teeth... I suspect one day his stomach will flop into the sink!!

and those of you with nose pickers... DO NOT TOUCH... the sides of their mattresses!
I had one of those too...

OK.. gagging and laughing all at the same time!
mom'sfolly :

Mine are twelve and eight. They clean there own bathroom, and I'm never going in the room where they sleep if I don't have too. I'm sure that they are going to run out of clothes soon, since I'm no longer wasting my breath asking them to pick them up. If they aren't in the hamper they don't get washed. I don't know why the older one goes through half the number of undies as everyone else in the house. Frankly, some things just don't bear thinking about.

We had a doctors visit yesterday. The kid had a sty in his eye. The doctor said "clean or cut your nails", "don't rub your eyes with dirty hands", and "it will have to clear up on its own, just keep it clean". Ha! Vindicated! Just what I've been telling the kid. The kid's fingernails look like a grease monkey's. I'm not sure how they get so dirty, after all the remote and the game controller are pretty clean.

My younger one's face is always dirty, always. I don't know why, he eats fairly neatly but it is always dirty.

Axe should be banned. It smells dreadful, and twelve year olds use it like its going to be outlawed.

Axe is a 12 year old boys shower... duh!
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So far, my grossest mom moment was whan I discovered that my then 4 year old DD had painted the bathroom door with fecal matter...using her little brother's toothbrush.

We will never let her live down the "Poopy Picasso" incident. I still think it's classic that she used her baby brother's toothbrush instead of her own.

I'm always on the lookout for more stories to post. With 3 boys between 4 and 6 and a three year old girl, I know it's just a matter of time.

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