Kids Chasing Chickens, Opinions?

I have made it clear to my kids that if they have friends over and let them chase the ducks or chickens not only will they NOT have friends over any more, but also the birds wont lay eggs for a day or two if they are too upset. The boys like picking eggs so much the thought of not getting as many strikes terror into their little hearts.
No to chicken chasing! It's just bratty.

My terrible nephew was 11 y.o. & decided that chasing wild geese at the lake was just dandy. I was laughing MAO when a big ol' gander took after him and nephew had to try to run up a hill to escape!
Oh, wait, it isn't nice to laugh at mean, fat little kids, getting attacked is it?
Oh yes it is!

DH had a cousin who would come over and just drive he and his brothers CRAZY when they were little, so they would run away from him, and purposefully lead him past the geese... the Geese would get mad at the first fly by, and by the time the irritating cousin ran past them they were in full attack mode. DH still laughs all evil when he talks about it...
Kids chasing chickens? When my kids were small they learned to show the "city cousins" visiting to walk up to the Rooster and kick out, then turn and run. My kids could always run faster then the Rooster and the "city cousins" laughing their *** off while the cousins were screaming with terror trying to outrun the HUGE VICIOUS BEAST. (other then a few scratches and tears---no harm done)
Sparkles, we did the same thing to my best friend's younger brother. At the bottom of the hill from our house was a large dog who would chase our bikes. My friend and I would leave my house very rapidly on our bikes with the pest tagging along. At the bottom of the hill we would yell to alert the dog and then take off as he chased the younger brother. Yes, we were rotten. Cut from the same mold as your DH I guess. NO! kids should not be allowed to chase any animals.
As a child I had about 12 little chicks. As they got to be "teens" I had to chase them to catch them.... I stopped quick to grab one, slid, fell and kicked it with my foot and knocked it out cold. Fortunately it lived, but it sure leads me to believe kids shouldn't chase chickens.

Handling, interacting, feeding and learning are not the issue. Running a "prey" animal for entertainment is... and it is wrong. Kill for food - fine. Torment for entertainment? Not tolerated at my house.
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It's terrible for adults to allow their children to chase and torture any animals... it's also terrible for adults to make "jokes" about putting kids in a pen with a Rottweiler or bull and let them chase the kids for exercise. I thought this was supposed to be a family friendly forum.
I would never let mine do such thing. And, if I see anyone else's children chasing an animal for fun, expect to see me stop them...whether the parents like it or not. Don't stand back when you see people misbehaving; do what is appropriate, not what is comfortable....
We don't let the kids chase the chickens for fun.
That being said, I chased chickens as a kid. Not ever to be mean, mind you. We had 30 odd free range bantams, and my brother, cousins and I would chase them down, catch them, and pet them. Then let them go. They were not really afraid at all, they just didn't really like it. You could tell they were calm about it because as soon as we had them, they just sat there, patiently waiting for us to get bored. We never hurt them, and my dad wouldn't have let us do it if we did. We also never chased too hard. We had enough that if one was really freaked out, or ran too fast, we would just catch a different one. On 1.2 acres with lots of shelter and no real corners, they could evade us if they tried... but I think we caught the same 5 chickens every day. One of which was our head rooster.

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