Kiki's Fresh Freaky Friday Fun Fudge Fantastic-ness

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Thank you thank you! I'm used to my social life being rather lost because of previous college and my work schedule, but somedays you just miss it ya know? It will be worth it all in the end, though, when I walk across that stage. I'm not in it for the money like some people seem to be...I want to help people...give them the healing they need, hopefully not only physically. I need the prayers thats for sure! But...where He leads me I will follow...and that also means He will be there to help me too! Along with all of you...I love the quote that says "It's a beautiful thing when a passion and career come together". So true...
That’s awesome! You seem like you’re in it for the right reasons. I have also seen the one that says “if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life” and I love that one too cause it’s so true though sadly most people aren’t lucky enough to get to do what they love for a living.
That’s awesome! You seem like you’re in it for the right reasons. I have also seen the one that says “if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life” and I love that one too cause it’s so true though sadly most people aren’t lucky enough to get to do what they love for a living.
Ooooooo I love that one too!!!
They have Halloween candy out already!! 😱😱 it’s gonna go stale by Halloween 😂🤣🤦‍♀️


Also I saw this one and DIED LAUGHING. :lau 🙈

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