Kiki's Fresh Freaky Friday Fun Fudge Fantastic-ness

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Just made a door to a chicken run. Rerouted the hot wire. Repositioned the feeders. Now it’s pool time!
Here’s a pic of one of my pet Frogs that lives in the outside trash can.
I'm not looking to barter, actually not looking for a backhoe. Just saying
As for $2k - $4k thats a lot of $$$ to me. Come out to my neck of the woods and see how unplentiful jobs are and how well the ones available pay.
Sorry, I was doing a simple generalization when dealing with big tools and the well established history of skills from those in the "hillbilly" & "moonshining" cultures. Their fierce independence & mechanical Mcgyvering skills handed down are truly legendary. not to exclude the wisdom and knowledge of the natural world that is the ecosystem they live in. Mother Nature gets so much more respect from them then the "folks" that *generally* live around me...... Butidigress

On the price tag tangent I had been searching for over a year. I had missed out on several in the $750-$1800 "asking price" on Craigslist. Admittedly I was using some of the inheritance I got from Dad, which was not much (grumbles at the pain the ex-step mother created when he passed). My goal was around $1500.

When I finally found my "new to me truck" now 3 years ago. It was around $6500 asking price.... I got it for $55-5600 iirc as it needed some work. Stuff I could do, and did. '99 F350 CC 7.3L 4wd with the 6spd manual. I was in the hunt for that for several years as well.

So with that I'll hope you see there was no disrespect intended dude.
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